Likhu Rural Municipality Okhaldhunga Vacancy for Computer Operator, ANM, Nurse, Rojgar Sahayak

Vacancy 19 Jul 2022 3827

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Likhu Rural Municipality (Gaupalika), Rural Municipal Executive Office, Yasam, Okhadhunga, Province No. 1, Nepal invites job application for the position of Rojgar Sahayak, Computer operator, Staff Nurse and ANM

According to the decision of the meeting of Likhu Rural Municipal Executive dated 2079-03-31, there is a need for the following positions and the number of employees who are vacant under the approved posts and the Prime Minister's Employment Program, and the positions have to be filled under the service contract; This notification is published for the interested eligible candidates to submit their applications.

1) Last date of application:- 15th day from the date of publication of the notice for the first time (Date 2079-04-16).

2) Place of submission of application form and application fee:- Office of Likhu Rural Municipal Corporation, General Administration Branch.

3) Documents to be submitted along with the application form:- Copy of proof of Nepali citizenship, copy of minimum qualification certificates, 3 copies of recent passport size photograph, proof of registration with the council for the posts mentioned in the advertisement A copy of the letter and a copy of the certificate of experience or additional training in the relevant position.

4) Age:- Should be at least 18 years old and not exceeding 35 years but in the case of women not exceeding 40 years and in case of employment assistants not exceeding 45 years.

5) type of examination; Preliminary Merit List, Written (Objective) and Interview, Advertisement No. In the case of 01-079/80 and 02-079/80 there will also be a commuter practical test.

6) Syllabus:- It will be as per the syllabus determined by the Public Service Commission, but in the case of 01-079/80, it will be as per Schedule 6 of 2078 for technical assistants and employment assistants at the local level.

7) Preliminary list result publication date:- 2079-04-7.

8) Other arrangements related to the filling of posts will be in accordance with the Technical Staff Management Procedure, 2075 in the contract of Likhu Rural Municipality.

9) Other details and application forms related to the post can be downloaded from of Rural Municipality.

Government Job Health Job Koshi Pradesh Okhaldhunga