Likhu Pike Rural Municipality Vacancy for HA, ANM, Lab Assistant, EDF

Vacancy 30 Dec 2022 2350

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Likhu Pike Rural Municipality, Rural Municipal Executive Office, Chaulakhark, Solukhumbu, Province No. 1, Nepal invites job application for HA, ANM, Lab Assistant, EDF

For Likhupike Rural Municipality, for the Fiscal Year 2079/80, the technical staff with the positions, numbers and qualifications mentioned in detail should be contracted under various branches, units and offices; This notice is published for the information of all concerned, that eligible Nepali citizens should submit an application along with the receipt of tax payment within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice.

Position Level Req. No.
Health Assistant (HA) 5th Level Assistant 1 (One)
ANM 4th Level Assistant 1 (One)
Lab Assistant 4th Level Assistant 1 (One)
Enterprise Development Facilitator (EDF) 4th Level Assistant 1 (One)

Educational Qualification and Experience:

1) Should be a Nepalese citizen.

2) Minimum Educational Qualification:

  • Health Assistant (HA) – Certified copies of all educational qualifications along with the registration certificate registered with the concerned council after passing the Health Assistant (HA) course from an educational institution recognized by the Government of Nepal.
  • ANM – Certified copies of all educational qualifications along with the certificate of having passed the ANM course from an educational institution recognized by the Government of Nepal and registered with the concerned council.
  • Lab Assistant – Certified copies of all educational qualifications including the registration certificate of having passed the Diploma in Law Technician (CMLT) course from an educational institution recognized by the Government of Nepal and registered with the concerned council.
  • Enterprise Development Facilitator – Passed Diploma Course in Enterprise Development Facilitator from Center for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) or Passed Enterprise Development Facilitator Skill Test Level 2 or 3 recognized by Center for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) or passed from Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Passed Technical Entrance Examination (TSLC) for Entrepreneurship Development Facilitator recognized by Center for Vocational Training (CTEVT). Also copy of the skill test certificate if any

3) Experienced candidates will be given special preference.

4) Age: 18 years and not exceeding 45 years for women and 18 years and not exceeding 40 years for men.

5) Must not be disqualified by prevailing law.

6) Type of Examination: Written, Interview, and Practical as required.

7) Exam schedule: All advertisements will be published after the exam schedule.

8) Services/facilities: as specified by the Government of Nepal.

9) Application fee: Rs.800 for assistants fifth level and Rs. 500 for assistants fourth level.

10) The application form can be collected from the office during office hours and can also be downloaded from the office's website

PS: If you are unable to attend during office hours, the internal revenue account in Citizens Bank in the name of Likhu Pike Rural Municipal (LIKHU PIKEY GA. PA. ANTARIK RAJASWA KHATA) no. 072010000001202 along with receipt of fee payment and other necessary documents can also be sent to office email address [email protected].

Also, you will have to bring original copies of all the documents while joining the exam.

Information publication date: 2079-09-13

Government Job Health Job Job Vacancy Koshi Pradesh Hospital Job Vacancy Solukhumbu