Lalitpur Metropolitan City (Mahanagarpalika) Vacancy for IT Officer

Vacancy 28 Mar 2021 3825

Government Job Vacancy

Lalitpur Metropolitan City (Mahanagarpalika) Vacancy for IT Officer:

Lalitpur Metropolitan City (Mahanagarpalika), Municipal Executive Office, Bagmati Pradesh, Pulchowk Lalitpur, Nepal Notice regarding the vacancy of IT Officer post in the service contract

For the post of Information Technology Officer working in Lalitpur Metropolitan City (Mahanagarpalika); Nepali citizens who have reached the qualification as per the details are invited to apply to this office within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice.


1) Post: Information Technology Officer (IT Officer) Level 6

2) Post No .: 1 (One)

3) Minimum Educational Qualification:

Minimum qualification for the post of Computer Officer to be taken by the Public Service Commission or graduate from a recognized educational institution in Computer, Or Information Communication Technology, or any one of the similar subjects (BIT, BIM, BBIS, BCA, BCIS, BEIT, Must have BSc CSIT) degree.

4) Documents to be attached: Personal Details (Biodata), Certificate of Citizenship, Certificate of Educational Qualification, Certificates of Experience.

5) Types of Exams: Written, Experimental, and Interview:

6) Application fee: Rs.1000 (one thousand only)

7) How to apply:

To submit the application form and the documents of minimum educational qualification to the General Administration Division by enclosing the receipt of the examination certificate in the Revenue Administration Division.

8) Candidate Selection Method

8.1) In the first phase, the shortlisting will be published by the Selection and Recommendation Committee as per the conditions of LGCDP.

8.2) In the case of successful candidates from (8.1), the examination will be conducted by the following method.

(A) Written Examination: 150 marks

  • Objective: 100 marks
  • Thematic: 50 marks

(B) Experimental (50 marks) and Interview (30 marks)

9) No action will be taken on the application received for expiration.

10) After a shortlist of those who have applied, written examination, experimental, and interview will be informed from the website of this office

First published date: 2077-12-13

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Government Job Lalitpur

Lalitpur Metropolitan City

Pulchowk, Lalitpur

Estd. 2017



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