KURVE Wustrow Vacancy for Country Coordinator

Vacancy 10 May 2023 873

KURVE Wustrow Vacancy

KURVE Wustrow Vacancy for Country Coordinator

KURVE Wustrow, a German INGO is looking for a Country Coordinator (conflict transformation specialist) in Nepal. As an international Country Coordinator, you will be responsible together with our national Country Coordinator for accompanying the partner organizations, projects, and experts of KURVE Wustrow in Nepal.

Position: Country Coordinator - 1 (One)

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities:

- Representation of KURVE Wustrow on all levels and supporting the coordination with and reporting to ministries and authorities regarding project approvals, financial issues, and all legal and formal INGO requirements.

- Process support for the projects of the CPS partners in Nepal in strategy development and impact-oriented planning, monitoring and learning including facilitation of further development of project interventions.

- Technical and personnel support for national and international experts.

- Organization and facilitation of coordination and consultation meetings, planning workshops, and project visits as well as collegial intervention and training in nonviolent conflict transformation.

- Office management including financial management.

- Ensuring proper use of funds of partners and reporting.

- Write convincing project proposals and substantiated reports in German in accordance with the requirements of the BMZ.

Required Qualification:

Required qualifications include, but are not limited to, a relevant university degree (at least a Master's degree), advanced training and experience in the field of civil, nonviolent conflict transformation, several years of practical experience working in intercultural teams in accompanying NGOs and organizational development processes in the field of conflict transformation and human rights, experience in project and financial management.

We offer a contract according to the German Development Workers Act until December 31, The contract, including a three-month preparation period in Germany, is expected to start on September 15, 2023.

The component of having international staff integrated into the teams is a central component and precondition of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) funded by the German Ministry for Development Cooperation (BMZ). While the local staffs have knowledge about the local context, the ex-pats add outside perspectives within dedicated learning processes.

Detailed information and the online application form are available until 21 May 2023

(Deadline) on: https://www.kurvewustrow.org/stellenausschreibungen-im-zfd

INGO Jobs Job Vacancy