Krishnanagar Municipality Vacancy for Medical Officer

Vacancy 15 May 2021 1705

Government Job Vacancy

Krishnanagar Municipality Vacancy for Medical Officer:

Krishnanagar Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Krishnanagar, Kapilvastu (Health Branch), Lumbini Pradesh, Nepal invites job application for the position of Medical officer on contract service.

In Krishnanagar Municipality, the following number and number of qualified health care personnel are required to be placed in the service contract; Nepali citizens who have attained the following qualifications are required to submit an application form with a receipt of payment of revenue within seven working days of the date of publication of this notice (7) within office hours (if the last day of application is a public holiday, can be submitted next day). A sample application form can be downloaded from the office's website

Position: Medical Officer

  • Required No.: 2 (Two)
  • Level: 8th level officer
  • Application Fees: Rs. 1000

Required Educational Qualifications and Experience: Passed MBBS from a recognized educational institution and registered with Nepal Medical Council

Documents to be attached to the application:

1) Personal details of the candidate,

A) Copy of educational qualification,

B) Copy of Nepali citizenship certificate,

C) Copy of experience related details, (Experienced will be preferred)

Note: Candidates have to sign and certify on the back of the entire copy submitted

Remuneration: As prescribed by the Government of Nepal

Age: Completed 21 years and not exceeding 45 years

Type of selection: Interview 

Terms Duration: Must be in service for 6 months

(First published on 2071-06-31)

Government Job Health Job Job Vacancy Lumbini Pradesh Kapilvastu