Kerabari Gaupalika Vacancy for PC, Rojgar Sahayak, Data Entry, LA, ACO, HA, AHW, ANM

Vacancy 07 Aug 2022 4636

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Office of Rural Municipal Executive, Kerabari Rural Municipality (Gaupalika), Kerabari Morang, Province No. 1, Nepal invites applications for the positions of Program Coordinator, ANM (Sample Collector), Rojgar Sahayak, ANM (Community Nutrition Facilitator), Data Entry Operator, Lab Assistant, Assistant Computer Operator, Health Assistant (HA), AHW, Helper.

Since the positions as per the necessary details for the office of Kerabari Rural Municipality, Rural Municipal Executive have to be filled in the contract; Interested Nepali citizens who meet the following qualifications are requested to submit an application to this office within 15 days along with the required details and revenue (application fee) receipt.

Bank Account Name: Internal Revenue Account Kerabari Rural Municipality, Account No: 0562056501423002. Name and address of the bank mentioning the account: NIC Asia Bank, Kerabari Morang

Please contact the Kerabari Rural Municipal Executive office for detailed information, the application form, and information. Contact No. 9852072311, 9852080217, 021-403110. Email: [email protected] Website:

Notice published date: 2079-04-20
