Kathmandu University (KU) Vacancy for IT Technician / Foreman

Vacancy 12 Jul 2021 1573

Kathmandu University Vacancy

KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Kathmandu University (KU) is looking for a committed, competent, and qualified professional who is willing to take up the position as follows on a Contract Basis:

Position: IT Technician/ Foreman

Required Number:  One

For more details on minimum qualifications and other documents required, please visit the KU webpage, www.ku.edu.np

Interested applicants are requested to download the application form and fill the form. The completed application form must be submitted along with necessary documents no later than 20 July 2021 to Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre. Registrar Kathmandu University Dhulikhel, Kavre
