Kathmandu Forestry College Invites Job Applications for the Position of Principal
Kathmandu Forestry College is looking for an experienced and qualified Principal for their college. The applicant should have a Master's degree (preferably a Ph.D.) in Forestry, Natural Resources Management, Environment Science, or a relevant subject, along with a minimum of five years of experience in the academic field.
Position: Principal - 1 (One)
Application Procedure
If you are interested in applying for the position of Principal at Kathmandu Forestry College, please follow the application procedure mentioned below:
- Prepare a brief concept note outlining your vision and strategy for taking the College forward. The concept note should be up to three pages long.
- Write a letter of application summarizing your strengths and highlighting how they align with the requirements of the position.
- Submit a recent curriculum vitae.
- Provide the names and addresses of three referees who can speak to your qualifications and experience.
Please send your application to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].
The deadline for submitting your application is March 10, 2023 (extended). Previous applicants need not apply again and will be eligible for evaluation.
For more detailed information on the application process and the position of Principal, please visit the Kathmandu Forestry College website at www.kafcol.edu.np or contact them at +977-1-5147211.
Kathmandu Job Vacancy Teaching Jobs College Job