Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for 7th Level Officer 2081
Province Public Service Commission, Karnali Province, Birendranagar, Surkhet (Administration, Application Management, and Publication Branch)
In accordance with the Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081, applications are invited from candidates who meet the following qualifications for filling permanent positions through internal inter-service/inter-group and open and inclusive competitive examinations for various service, group, sub-group, and level 8 positions in the Province Civil Service and Local Services. Candidates who meet the prescribed minimum qualifications must submit their applications online through the Commission's online application system at https://ppsconline.karnali.gov.np.
The dates and times of the internal inter-service/inter-group and open and inclusive competitive examinations for the Province Civil Service and Local Services will be published later on the Commission's website. Candidates selected through the competitive examinations will be recommended for appointment to the relevant agencies at the provincial and local levels according to their priority order.
Vacancy Details
Position: Non-Technical and Technical Officer
Level: 7th Level
Service: Administration, Education, Engineering, Health, Agriculture, Veterinary etc.
Type of Examination: Written, practical, and interview (The medium of the written exam and the language will be as specified in the syllabus).
Examination Center: Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Province.
Application Fee: NPR 1,000 per advertisement. For additional advertisements in the inclusive group, an additional fee of NPR 400 per group will be charged.
Method and Place to Submit Application Fee:
After submitting the form via the Commission's electronic application (Online Application) system, candidates can choose either Online Payment or Offline Payment. Those opting for Online Payment can make immediate payments using the specified wallets. Candidates opting for Offline Payment must select one of the designated banks, print the voucher, and submit the application fee to the respective bank within the specified period.
Application Fee Payment Period:
After submitting the online application, candidates must submit the specified examination fee or double fee by the day after the last date for double fee applications, within office hours (if this date falls on a public holiday, the next office day), along with the voucher mentioning the Master ID and transaction reference number.
Application Method:
Applications for the advertised positions must be submitted online only. Detailed instructions on how to submit applications through the online system can be viewed at https://ppsconline.karnali.gov.np.
Documents to Upload:
Candidates must upload documents related to educational qualifications, training, experience, inclusive group eligibility, and other documents specified in the advertisement to the designated place in the online application system in pdf/jpg format. All candidates must scan and upload the front and back sides of their Nepali citizenship certificate in jpg format. Candidates themselves are fully responsible and accountable for the details mentioned in the application.
Last Date for Application Submission:
Applications must be submitted by 2081.09.15, and with double fees by 2081.09.22.
Age Limit for Candidates:
By 2081.09.15, candidates must have completed 21 years of age and not exceeded 35 years, for female candidates not exceeded 40 years. According to sub-section (6) of Section 9 of the Karnali Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and sub-section (7) of Section 10 of the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081, candidates with disabilities must not have exceeded 40 years. However, there will be no age limit for permanent employees of the Federal Civil Service, any Province's Provincial Civil Service, and Local Services. Employees continuously working at the local level and meeting the minimum educational qualifications when the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081, commenced will also not be subject to the age limit.
Interview Preceding Exam Schedule, Interview Dates, and Venue: The notice will be published when the results of the written examination are announced.
Job Description: Related to the service, group, and sub-group.
Salary, Service Conditions, and Facilities: As per prevailing laws.
Minimum Qualifications Required for Open, Internal Inter-Service/Internal Inter-Group Candidates:
Candidates must meet the following educational qualifications and have the experience as per sub-section (3) or (4) of Section 8 of the Karnali Province Civil Service Act, 2080, or sub-section (3) or (4) of Section 9 of the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081. Additionally, candidates must be registered with the relevant professional council by the last date of application.
Account Officer, Local Administration, Accounts: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Management, Commerce, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, or Public Administration from a recognized educational institution.
Engineer, Engineering, Civil, Irrigation / Sanitary: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
Engineer, Engineering, Mechanical, General: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
Engineer, Engineering, Civil, Building and Architect: BE or equivalent in Civil or Architectural Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
Agriculture Officer, Horticulture Development Officer, Agriculture Extension Officer, Crop Development Officer, Crop Protection Officer, Agriculture, Horticulture, Agriculture Extension, Crop Development, Crop Protection: B.Sc. Agri. or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
Officer/Agricultural Economist, Agriculture, Agri Eco and Marketing: B.Sc. Agri. with a major in Agricultural Economics or Agri Business from a recognized educational institution.
Livestock Development Officer, Agriculture, Livestock Extension: B.Sc. (Animal Science), B.Tech. (Dairy Technology or Livestock Extension), BVSc & AH or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
Forest Officer, Provincial Forestry, General Forestry: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Forestry with at least three subjects including Silviculture, Forest Mensuration, Forest Conservation, Forest Research, Forest Management, Soil and Water Conservation, or Wildlife Conservation from a recognized educational institution.
Watershed Management Officer, Provincial Forestry, Soil and Water Conservation: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Soil or Water Conservation, Watershed Management, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering, or Forest Environment from a recognized educational institution.
Assistant Research Officer, Forest, Forest Research: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Forestry, Wildlife/Park Management, Watershed Management, Natural Resource Management, or Environmental Management from a recognized educational institution.
Public Health Officer, Health, Public Health: Bachelor's degree in Public Health from a recognized educational institution.
Medical Lab Technologist, Health, Medical Lab Technology: Bachelor's degree in Medical Lab Technology from a recognized educational institution.
Radiography Technologist, Health, Radiography: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Radiography from a recognized educational institution.
Physiotherapist, Health, Physiotherapy: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Physiotherapy from a recognized educational institution.
Pharmacy Officer, Health, Pharmacy: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Pharmacy from a recognized educational institution.
Biomedical Engineer, Health, Miscellaneous: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Biomedical Engineering or Medical Electronic Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
Education Officer, Education, Education Administration: Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Education from a recognized educational institution.
Points to Consider When Applying for Internal Inter-Service/Internal Inter-Group, Open, and Inclusive Examinations:
a. Candidates must not be disqualified as per Section 30 of the Karnali Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081.
b. To apply for internal inter-service/internal inter-group competitions, candidates must meet the qualifications as per sub-section (8) of Section 8 of the Karnali Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and sub-section (8) of Section 9 of the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081.
c. The results of the candidates selected from the open written examination of internal inter-service/internal inter-group competition will be published collectively in alphabetical order for all services and groups.
d. Recommendations for appointment will be made based on the merit order obtained after all phases of the examination.
e. The results of the candidates selected from the written examination of the open and inclusive groups will be published collectively in alphabetical order for all groups and sub-groups.
f. Candidates selected from the written examination must fill in the priority order of the office compulsorily before participating in the group testing and interview. Candidates absent from the group testing will not be included in the interview.
g. Candidates selected from the written examination of the inclusive group will not be allowed to choose the priority order of the inclusive group. The inclusive group of the candidates will be maintained as per the existing arrangement of the Commission based on the inclusive group mentioned in the application form. If a person is eligible to compete from more than one group, they will be allowed to compete from only one of the groups chosen by them.
h. For candidates selected for group testing and interviews from the open and inclusive groups, the program will be scheduled such that they participate in the group testing and interview only once. The marks obtained in the group testing and interview will be counted for all groups (open and inclusive) the candidate has passed.
i. Recommendations for appointment will be made based on the merit order obtained after all phases of the examination and the priority order of the office chosen by the candidate.
Here is the translation of the special instructions for candidates applying for inclusive group advertisements:
Special Instructions for Candidates Applying for Inclusive Group Advertisements:
Candidates wishing to apply for positions in the inclusive group must prepare and submit the following documents at the time of application. Candidates selected for group testing and interviews from the written examination results must bring the original and self-certified copies of these documents for the group testing and interview. If these documents are not submitted with the application, the application may be canceled at any time.
(a) For Khas Arya: A document certifying the surname within the Khas Arya caste or community listed by the National Inclusion Commission or a document certifying the surname within the Khas Arya caste from the Chief District Officer based on the recommendation of the concerned local level.
(b) For Dalit: A document certifying the surname within the Dalit caste or community listed by the National Dalit Commission or a document certifying the surname within the Dalit caste from the Chief District Officer based on the recommendation of the concerned local level.
(a) As per the Karnali Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081, candidates cannot apply for positions of the same level/category. However, employees who meet the specified qualifications for positions at the same level in the local health service can still compete.
(b) The double fee period will not be counted for age, educational qualifications, experience period, and other qualifications.
(c) Applications that are not submitted within the specified period, do not meet the minimum qualifications, lack the required details, or have unpaid fees will not be accepted.
(d) Candidates requesting a scribe for the written examination must submit a written request to the Commission at least 5 days before the start of the written examination.
(e) Candidates who pass the written examination must submit the original and a self-certified copy of the educational qualification certificate, Nepali citizenship certificate, and other documents mentioned for open category applicants before the interview.
(f) Candidates must use only black ink in the written examination, otherwise the answer sheet will be canceled.
(g) Subjects not mentioned in the notice will be as per the Province Public Service Commission Act, Rules, and Directives.
(h) If a person is eligible to compete from more than one group, they can compete from only one of the groups chosen by them as per sub-section (5) of Section 9 of the Karnali Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and sub-section (6) of Section 10 of the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081.
(i) For information on how to submit the application, refer to the User Manual on the website.
(j) The syllabus can be obtained from the Commission's website https://ppsc.karnali.gov.np/course.
For more information:
Contact Numbers: 083-590300, 083-590306
Website: ppsc.karnali.gov.np
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Advertisement Notice No. 156.2081-082, Published Date: 2081/08/25
Download/View Vacancy Detail.PDF