Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog (Province Public Service Commission Karnali Province) announces Vacancy for 4th Level Technical and Non-Technical Positions: 4th Level Administration Assistant, Assistant Sub Engineer, Khapasate, AMIN, JTA, VJTA, Assistant Computer Operator, ANM, AHW, Vaidhya, and Lab Assistant.
As per the provisions of Article 12 of the Staff Adjustment Act, 2075 BS, open and inclusive competitive examination for the vacant posts in the bodies under Karnali Province Government and various local levels of Karnali Province has to be filled permanently.
Candidates who have reached the prescribed minimum educational qualification can apply to the Commission's online application system at https://ppsconline.karnali.gov.np. Candidates selected from the competitive examination will be recommended for appointment according to the order of priority in the concerned Ministry of Home Affairs or at the local level.