Kantipur Publication invites job application for sales boys and Sales Girls in various places such as Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur, Pokhara and Nepalgunj
Positions: Sales Boys / Sales Girls
Kathmandu - 75 Persons (Male / Female)
Biratnagar - 30 Persons (Male / Female)
Bharatpur - 30 Persons (Male / Female)
Pokhara - 30 Persons (Male / Female)
Nepalgunj - 30 Persons (Male / Female)
Deadline to Apply: 2076/11/30
Contact Address:
East Regional Office, Bargacchi, Biratnagar
Phone: 021-460141, 021-461959
Email: [email protected]
Mid-Western and Far-Western Regional Office, Puspalal Chowk, Nepalgunj
Phone: 081-411222
Email: [email protected]
Kantipur Publication Pvt. Ltd., Milanchwok, Bharatpur
Phone: 056-528900
Email: [email protected]
Western Regional Office, Srijana Chowk, Pokhara
Phone: 061-525656
Email: [email protected]
Kantipur Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Central Business Park, Thapathali, Kathmandu
Phone: 01-5135000
Email: [email protected]