Janakpurdham Sub Metropolitan City Vacancy for Various Positions on Contract Services: Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City, Municipal Executive Office, Janakpurdham, Dhanusha, Madhesh Pradesh, Nepal Vacancy for various positions on contract service.
Since Janakpurdham Upa-Mahanagarpalika has to fill the posts in the service contract of the posts mentioned in the list; Interested Nepali citizens are invited to submit their applications within 15 days from the date of publication of the notification.
For detailed information and service conditions:- You are advised to refer to Janakpurdham sub-metropolitan notice board and website: www.janakpurmun.gov.np and download the application form from the website.
Date of publication of notice for the first time: 2079-8-29
Government Job Engineering Job Job Vacancy Dhanusha Madhesh Pradesh Janakpur