Janaki Secondary School Vacancy for Teacher:
Janaki Secondary School, Bharatpur Metropolitan City-27, Meghauli, Chitwan
As per the decision of the School Management Committee of Janaki Secondary School, Meghauli, Bharatpur Mahanagarpalika-27, dated 2077-04-05 and as per the permission received on 2077-04-05, invoice no 07. As the post of the teacher has to be filled through open advertisement in the same relief grant quota, applications are invited from interested Nepali citizens who have reached the qualification. It is also ensured that no action will be taken on the application which has expired and has not reached the due date.
- Advertisement No. : 01-2077
- Post: Secondary school teacher
- Level: Secondary school second class relief grant
- Number of posts: 1
- Age: 21 years and under 40 years
- Qualification: Master's degree in Physics or equivalent
- Obtained a permanent teaching permit.
- Application Fee: 1500 / -
- Salary Scale: As per Government of Nepal Rules
- Application Call Date: 2077-04-06
- Last date for receipt of application: 2077-04-20
- Contact Date: 2077-04-20, 4:00 p.m.
- Types of exams: written, interview
- Exam Date: Will be specified on the contract date.
Documents required: Certificate of Educational Qualification, Certificate of Character, Certificate of Merit, Copy of Nepali Citizenship as well as Attendance with the original certificate on the day of examination.
First published date: 2077-04-06