Tribhuvan University, IOE, Pulchowk Campus Notice for Contractual Appointment Through Open Competition
Pulchowk Campus, under the Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University, invites applications from qualified and interested Nepali citizens for the following positions.
Applications must be submitted by 2081/06/11 in the prescribed format.
For information regarding the written exam date, syllabus, and other details, please refer to the campus notice board or visit the website: pcampus.edu.np. You may also contact the campus directly for further inquiries.
Available Positions and Required Numbers:
- Associate Professor
- Subject:
- Computer: 4
- Electronics: 2
- Electrical: 4
- Subject:
- System Engineer
- Computer/Electronics: 1
- Senior Technical Assistant
- Computer: 2
- Electronics: 1
Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus