Notice Regarding CEO Recruitment at Hydro Electricity Investment and Development Company Limited (HIDCL)
As the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at HIDCL will soon be vacant, applications are invited from eligible Nepali citizens through open competition as per the company’s Regulation, 2068. Interested candidates meeting the following educational qualifications, age, and experience must submit their application in the prescribed format within 15 days from the date of first publication during office hours at the company’s office in New Baneshwor, Kathmandu.
Minimum Educational Qualifications and Work Experience:
(a) Master’s degree in Public Administration, Management, Commerce, Finance, Economics, Engineering, or Law (with specialization in Commercial or Company Law) from a recognized university with First Division. In addition, a minimum of seven years of experience is required in either:
At least Officer Level II or Senior Management level in banking, financial, fund management, or engineering sectors, or
At least a Gazetted Second Class position in the Government of Nepal or equivalent.
(b) Bachelor’s degree in First Division from a recognized university and Chartered Accountancy qualification with membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN). Must have at least ten years of work experience in a chartered accountancy-related role at officer level or above in the Government of Nepal or an organized institution.
Age Limit:
Applicants must be at least 35 years old and not exceed 55 years on the final date of application submission.
Application Fee:
Applicants must pay a non-refundable fee of NPR 2,500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) and submit the voucher of payment deposited into account number 00100105201098 at Everest Bank Limited, Singhadurbar Branch.
Candidates shall be disqualified if any conditions mentioned under Clause 4 of the “Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Procedure, 2077” apply.
Documents and Details to Be Submitted with the Application:
(a) Documents:
Copy of Nepali citizenship certificate
Academic certificates
Documents verifying professional work experience
Each page of the submitted copies must be certified as true copies by the applicant.
(b) Details:
Detailed personal information (biodata) including academic qualifications, work experience, contact details (email, telephone, mobile number, home and office addresses)
A self-declaration form signed by the applicant confirming none of the disqualifying conditions listed in Point No. 4 apply
Business Plan:
(a) Applicants must submit a business plan along with their application, prepared as per Clause 5 of the “Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Procedure, 2077.” The plan may be in either English or Nepali, submitted in three separately sealed envelopes, signed and stamped.
(b) The business plan should be typed in Times New Roman font size 10 for English or Unicode font size 12 for Nepali. Only the candidate’s name, surname, and address should appear on the page following the cover page. No other identifiers (letters, numbers, or symbols) that reveal identity should be included. Plans violating this rule will not be evaluated.
Rejection of Applications:
Applications will not be accepted if any required documents listed in Point No. 5 are missing or not properly submitted.
Selection Process:
Selection will be based on the evaluation weightage system mentioned in Clause 6 of the “Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Procedure, 2077.” The process will follow Clause 7 of the same.
Term of Office:
The CEO shall be appointed under a performance agreement for a term not exceeding four years.
Job-Related Terms and Conditions:
The CEO’s responsibilities and terms of service will be governed by the company’s regulations, Articles of Association, policies, and the terms set out in the performance agreement. Additional conditions may be determined by the Board of Directors.
Remuneration, Benefits, and Service Terms:
The CEO’s monthly salary, benefits, and service conditions will follow company policies, rules, and the performance agreement.
Application Form and Recruitment Procedure:
The “Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Procedure, 2077” and application format can be downloaded from the company’s website at www.hidcl.org.np.
Contact Information:
For further details, contact the company at 01-4595016 / 17 / 18.
Chief Executive Officer Selection Committee
Hydro Electricity Investment and Development Company Limited (HIDCL)
Date of First Publication: 2081/12/15