Homraj Lohani Sharada Shiksha Sadan Secondary School Vacancy for Secondary Level Teacher

Vacancy 02 Oct 2020 1882

Teacher wnated

Homraj Lohani Sharada Shiksha Sadan Secondary School Vacancy for Secondary Level Teacher:

As per the license obtained from the office of Bhanu Municipality, Tanahu dated 2077-06-14, one of the teachers of social subjects in the vacant post of the secondary level third class in Homraj Lohani Sharada Shiksha Sadan Secondary School, Bhanu-2, Tanahun has to be appointed from the contract list published by the Education Service Commission. Candidates on the contract list are requested to contact the school within 7 (seven) days from the date of publication of this notice.

Since no contract candidates came in contact on the due date, teachers would be appointed through open competition. Eligible Nepali citizens are invited to submit a formal application along with the documents mentioned in the details. No action will be taken on the unsolicited applications.

Job Vacancy Details

1) Post: Secondary Level (III Level Contract)

2) Subject: Social

3) Required Number: 1 (one) person

4) Educational Qualification: Passed Bachelor level or equivalent in the related subject

5) Application fee: 1000 (one thousand rupees)

6) Salary: As prescribed by the Government of Nepal.

7) Age: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years

8) Necessary documents: Certified copy of Nepali citizenship certificate, a certified copy of educational qualification certificate, copy of teaching license of the concerned level, certificate of health.

9) Type of examination: written, interview, class observation if necessary.

10) Last date to apply:

- For contract list: By 2077-06-20.

- For open competition: from 2077-06-21 to 2077-06-28

11) Contact date (for open): 2077-06-28 at 4 p.m.

P.S .: Special priority will be given to higher qualifications and experience.

Homeraj Lohani Sharda Shiksha Sadan Secondary School

Bhanu Municipality-02, Nareshwartar, Tanahun, Nepal

 Contact: 9846067383

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