Gurkha Bharti (British Army and Singapore Police) Recruitment and Selection 2023

Vacancy 30 Mar 2022 13388

Gurkha Bharti

Gurkha Bharti (British Army and Singapore Police) Recruitment and Selection 2023: Selection is based on merit and only the best candidates will be accepted. The selection process will be free, fair, and transparent. As in previous years, this year too the British Gurkha and Gurkha Contingent Singapore Police Force will recruit aspiring youths for Recute Intake 2023.

Candidates wishing to be recruited will have to register online their name, surname, NPP number, and district. The online registration process will be conducted from the 21st of Chaitra to the 24th of Baishakha (4th April to 8 May 2022). The first phase of Registration will be conducted in British Gorkha Pokhara and British Camp Dharan from the 4th of Jestha to the 13th of Shrawan (23 May to 29 July 2022) and from the 9th of Jestha to the 5th of Ashad (23 May to 19 June 2022) in Surkhet (AWC Bheri). Applicants who are successful in the online registration process will be notified through our website for the first stage of selection.

“Community Briefing (Publicity) for information on Gurkha recruitment will be organized across Nepal between 2078 Chaitra 29 to 2079 Baishakh 16 (4-29 April 2022). ”

The training centers have no connection with the British Gurkha and Gurkha Contingent Singapore Police Force.

They do business out of our control. Admission to the training center can be expensive and there is no guarantee of success in Gurkha recruitment. If anyone finds out they have been bribed, they will be barred from being recruited forever.

There is no charge for recruitment and if you have heard of any allegations of corruption or if someone asks you to pay for the recruitment, do not pay. Email: [email protected]

"The Gurkha recruitment process will be conducted in accordance with the law of the British Army. ”

Minimum Qualification Required for British Gurkha Recruitment (for Intake 2023)Educational Qualification: Passed SLC Minimum 3rd Division or equivalent (even if compartment pass). In the new SEE grading system, only those who have achieved minimum 5C grading will be recognized. C grading in English and Mathematics should be mandatory for recruitment in both Vritis Gorkha and Singapore Police.

Age: Must have reached at least 18 years of age by January 1, 2023, and not exceeding 21 years of age.

Height: Must be at least 158 ​​cm.

BMI: 17-30 in the first stage selection (Registration) and 18-28 in the second stage selection.

Eye / glasses / contact lenses: Spectacles / contact lenses / laser surgery will not be accepted. No cross-eyes or big or small eyes.

Teeth: No more than two faults, no front teeth, no false teeth or insect bites, no inside or out, and no cracks.

Passport: Machine Readable Passport (MRP) will be mandatory for registration.

To be recruited by the British Gurkha and Bingapra police, you have to be a Nepali citizen.

For more information, visit our website:
