Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Populations, Geta Hospital, Kailali
According to the approved temporary recruitment for the financial year 2080/081, since the following manpower of Nepal Health Service is required, they are to be recruited under the service contract to ensure service facilities of the related level. Eligible Nepali citizens should submit the application form within 21 days from the date of this notice's publication. This notice is published for the information of all concerned. No action will be taken on late or overdue applications.
Vacancy Details:
1. Position/Group: Staff Nurse / General Nursing
- Required Number: 12
- Level: Fifth
- Minimum Educational Qualification: Passed certificate level in nursing from a recognized educational institution
2. Position/Group: Lab Technician Medical Lab Technology
- Required Number: 3
- Level: Assistant Fifth
- Minimum Educational Qualification: Passed certificate level in health lab from a recognized educational institution
3. Position/Group: Health Assistant/ Health Inspection
- Required Number: 4
- Level: Passed General
- Minimum Educational Qualification: Medical Certificate from Assistant Five. Recognized Educational Institutions
4. Position/Group: Pharmacy Assistant/Pharmacy
- Required Number: 3
- Level: Assistant Fifth
- Minimum Educational Qualification: Passed certificate level in pharmacy subject from a recognized educational institution
5. Position/Group: Radiography Assistant / Radiography
- Required Number: 3
- Level: Assistant Fifth
- Minimum Educational Qualification: Passed Certificate Level in Radiography from a recognized educational institution
6. Position/Group: Physiotherapy Assistant/ Physiotherapy
- Required Number: 1
- Level: Assistant
- Minimum Educational Qualification: Passed Certificate Level 5 in Physiotherapy from a recognized educational institution
Required Documents:
- A copy of the certificate of Nepalese citizenship, a copy of the certificate of renewal of registration in the relevant council, and copies of the certificate of educational qualification must be verified by the candidate himself and submitted with the application.
- In terms of age, the candidate should be at least 18 years old and not more than 45 years old.
Application Process:
- The Application Form from the Public Service Commission, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, can be obtained by downloading it from the Geta Hospital website at WWW.GETAHOSPITAL.GOV.NP.
Application Fee:
- The application fee is Rs. 600/- (literally six hundred only). The fee should be deposited in the Office Code of Geta Hospital No. 370617701 Revenue Account No. 14224 at Rastriya Banijya Bank Branch Office, Dhangadhi, Kailali. A copy of the voucher must be submitted along with the application.
Examination Date:
- The date of the written examination will be published on the next day after the last day of submission of the application form.
Contact Information:
For more information in this regard, please contact Information Officer Mr. Nain Singh Karki (9865621191).
Announcement Date:
First script published date: 2080/12/14