Garuda Municipality, Office of the Municipal Executive, Garuda, Rautahat, Madhesh Province, Nepal Notice for Submission of Application for Contractual Staff Recruitment by Paying Double Fee
Garuda Municipality requires qualified technical staff to be hired on a contractual basis for various subject-specific branches and ward offices. Therefore, eligible Nepali citizens are informed to submit their applications along with the original receipt of revenue payment made to Garuda Municipality's internal revenue account number 2412050525918008 at NIC ASIA Bank within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice, by 2:00 PM.
This notice was published on 2081/04/08. However, based on the decision of the Garuda Municipality Staff Selection and Recommendation Committee, interested and eligible candidates are informed to submit their applications by paying double the examination fee within 7 (seven) days from 2081/04/23. This is the final notice for submission of applications. The application form, examination fee, job description, remuneration, and service conditions will be made available at the office.
Vacancy Details:
Advertisement No.: 01/081/082
- Group: Civil Engineering
- Position: Engineer
- Category: Officer Sixth Level
- Number of Positions: 1
- Examination Fee: Rs. 1,500
Advertisement No.: 02/081/082
- Group: Civil Engineering
- Position: Sub-Engineer
- Category: Assistant Level Fifth
- Number of Positions: 2
- Examination Fee: Rs. 1,000
Advertisement No.: 03/081/082
- Group: Civil Engineering
- Position: Water Supply & Sanitation Technician (Plumber)
- Category: Assistant Level Fourth
- Number of Positions: 1
- Examination Fee: Rs. 700
Advertisement No.: 04/081/082
- Group: Agriculture and Veterinary Service
- Position: Veterinary Service (VJTA)
- Category: Assistant Level Fourth
- Number of Positions: 1
- Examination Fee: Rs. 700
Advertisement No.: 05/081/082
- Group: Agriculture and Veterinary Service
- Position: Agriculture Service (JTA)
- Category: Assistant Level Fourth
- Number of Positions: 1
- Examination Fee: Rs. 700
Advertisement No.: 06/081/082
- Group: Information Technology
- Position: Computer Operator
- Category: Assistant Level Fifth
- Number of Positions: 1
- Examination Fee: Rs. 1,000
Advertisement No.: 07/081/082
- Group: Information Technology
- Position: Assistant Computer Operator
- Category: Assistant Level Fourth
- Number of Positions: 24
- Examination Fee: Rs. 700
Advertisement No.: 08/081/082
- Group: Mechanical Engineering
- Position: Light Vehicle Driver
- Category: Unranked Category
- Number of Positions: 6
- Examination Fee: Rs. 500
Advertisement No.: 09/081/082
- Group: Mechanical Engineering
- Position: Heavy Vehicle Driver
- Category: Unranked Category
- Number of Positions: 1
- Examination Fee: Rs. 500
1. Age Requirement:
- Applicants must be at least 18 years old and not exceed 35 years of age.
- For women, the age requirement is at least 18 years old and not exceed 40 years of age.
- For the position of a driver, there is no age limit.
2. Application Submission Location:
- Applications must be submitted to the Office of Garuda Municipality, Garuda, Rautahat.
3. Application Deadline:
- Applications must be submitted within 7 (seven) days of the publication of the notice. If the deadline falls on a public holiday, the application can be submitted on the next working day.
4. Types of Examination:
(a) For Civil Engineering and Agriculture & Veterinary groups: Written examination and interview.
(b) For Computer Operator and Driver: Written, practical examination, and interview.
5. Documents to be Submitted with the Application:
Photocopy of the following documents, certified by the applicant:
- Nepali Citizenship Certificate
- Academic Qualification Certificates
- Character Certificate
- Two (2) Passport-sized Photographs
- Experience Certificates
6. Examination Date and Center:
- To be announced later.
7. Contact Date:
- 2081/04/30
8. Services and Facilities:
- As determined by the Municipal Executive or Municipal Assembly.
9. Selection Process:
- The selection will be based on the criteria and procedures determined by the Selection Committee in accordance with the Technical Staff Management Procedure, 2079 of Garuda Municipality.
10. Educational Qualifications:
(a) Engineer, Sixth Level:
- Must have a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized institution or equivalent, and must have a license from the Nepal Engineering Council.
(b) Sub-Engineer, Assistant Level Fifth:
- Must have completed a 3-year course in Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized institution or equivalent.
(c) Water Supply and Sanitation Technician (Plumber), Assistant Level Fourth:
- Must have passed TSLC in Plumbing from CTEVT or have passed SEE or equivalent and completed at least a 3-month training in plumbing.
(d) Veterinary Service Assistant, Assistant Level Fourth:
- Must have passed TSLC in Veterinary Science from CTEVT or have passed SEE or equivalent and completed an 18-month training in Veterinary Science from CTEVT or a CTEVT-recognized institution.
(e) Agriculture Service Assistant, Assistant Level Fourth:
- Must have passed TSLC in Agriculture from CTEVT or have passed SEE or equivalent and completed an 18-month training in Agriculture from CTEVT or a CTEVT-recognized institution.
(f) Computer Operator, Assistant Level Fifth:
- Must have passed a 3-year Diploma course in Computer Science from CTEVT or passed Class 12 with a major in Computer Science and have 1 year of work experience, or passed Class 12 or equivalent and completed a 6-month computer-related training with 2 years of work experience, and meet other qualifications as specified by the Government of Nepal.
(g) Assistant Computer Operator, Assistant Level Fourth:
- Must have passed SEE or equivalent and completed a 6-month computer-related training with 1 year of work experience.
(h) Light Vehicle Driver (No Category):
- Must be able to read and write and possess a valid driving license. The driving license must be renewed and the applicant must currently be active in driving.
(i) Heavy Vehicle Driver (No Category):
- Must be able to read and write and possess a valid driving license. The driving license must be renewed and the applicant must currently be active in driving.
Notice Publication Date: 2081/04/22