Galyang Municipality Job Vacancy for Social Mobilizer

Vacancy 15 Sep 2020 2094

Government Job Vacancy

Galyang Municipality Job Vacancy for Social Mobilizer:

Galyang Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Galyang, Syangja, Gandaki Pradesh notice for contract service:

Since it was necessary to recruit the service contract in the post and number of details for Galyang Municipality. A notice has been published for the information of all concerned to make a formal application to this office within fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of the notice in accordance with the conditions specified in the service contract agreement.

Ad no. 077/078-01
Position Social Mobilizer
Level Animal Service Technician
Required No. 1 (One)
Selection Process Interview
Application Fees Rs. 600/-

You can contact the office of the Municipal Executive for detailed information.

Contact Address:

Galyang Municipality (Nagarpalika)

Municipal Executive Office, Galyang, Syangja, Gandaki Pradesh

Phone: 063-460129

Website: www,

(Published date: 2077-05-30)

Galyang Municipality

Jagatradevi, Syangja

Estd. 2017



Services Offered
