Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) Vacancy for Peon

Vacancy 16 Jun 2021 1634

Embassy of India Kathmandu Vacancy

Embassy of India Kathmandu (Nepal) Vacancy: ECHS - Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) is a medical scheme launched by the Govt of India to provide free medical treatment to the ex-servicemen pensioners and their dependents of the Indian Armed Forces.

Application is invited for the following post. Employment will be on a contractual basis without any pensionary benefits.

Vacancy for the Post: Peon

Place: ECHS Polyclinic Pokhara

The last date for submission of application for the above-mentioned vacancy is 28 Jun 2021. For terms & conditions and other details, kindly see our website: www.indembkathmandu.gov.in

Application along with a copy of Nagrikata Praman Patra (NPP) and copies of relevant certificates may be sent to the following address.

Pokhara Office in Charge ECHS Policlinic Embassy of India Pensions Paying Office Pokhara (Nepal)

Telephone No.: 061-430232, 061-341477

Job Vacancy Pokhara