Everest Engineering College Sanepa, Lalitpur invites applications from dynamic and competent candidates who are innovative, self-motivated, and willing to pursue a career in academics for the following positions on a full-time basis.
Department |
Position |
Required No. |
Computer Engineering / Information Technology Engineering
Professor |
2 |
Associate Professor |
2 |
Assistant Associate professor |
1 |
Lecturer |
4 |
Assistant Lecture |
4 |
Applied Science and Mechanical Engineering (Mathematics-1, Mechanical-1)
Lecturer |
1 |
Assistant Lecturer |
1 |
Electronics and Communication / Electrical |
Lecturer |
1 |
Assistant Lecturer |
1 |
Civil Engineering
Professor |
2 |
Associate Professor |
2 |
Assistant Associate professor |
2 |
Lecturer |
4 |
Assistant Lecture |
4 |
Accountant |
Account Officer |
1 |
Minimum Qualification
1. Professor: Ph.D. in a relevant discipline and minimum five years teaching experience /ME in a relevant discipline and 8 years teaching experience in Associate professor level with minimum of three recognized research publications in international research journals.
2. Associate Professor: Ph.D. in a relevant discipline and minimum of two years teaching experience /ME in a relevant discipline and 5 years teaching experience in Assistant / Associate professor level with a minimum of two recognized research publications in international research journals.
3. Assistant Associate Professor: Ph.D. in a relevant discipline and minimum of two years teaching experience /ME in a relevant discipline and 5 years teaching experience in senior lecturer level with a minimum of two recognized research publications in international research journals.
4. Lecturer: ME in a relevant discipline and 3 years of teaching experience.
5. Assistant Lecturer: ME in relevant discipline.
Document Required
Recent CV, copies of mark sheet/transcript, certificate of all academic degrees.
1. Salary and other benefits shall be as per college rule
2. 0nly a shortlisted candidate will be called for the interview and further processing.
3. Applications are required to be submitted by 27 Bhadra,2078.
For More detail please contact:
Everest Engineering College
Lalitpur -2,Sanepa, Nepal
Tel: 977-1-5520742,
Email: [email protected]
Lalitpur Job Vacancy Teaching Jobs College Job