Everest Engineering College Vacancy for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

Vacancy 30 Mar 2022 3089

Everest Engineering College Vacancy

Everest Engineering College (EEC) is the pioneer academic institution for engineering education in Nepal.  EEC invites applications from interested candidates in the following full-time teaching/non-teaching positions.

Position / Required No. qualification and Experience
Professor/ Asst. Professor/ Lecturer ( Database, Programming, Software Engineering, Network related subjects) - Few  Ph.D./ ME/ MSc with BE in Computer Engineering.
Professor/ Asst Professor/ Lecturer (Instrumentation, Microprocessor, Basic Electronics related subjects, Data / Wireless / mobile Communication-related subjects) - Few PhD/ ME / MSc with BE in Electronics &Communication/ Electrical & Electronics
Professor/ Asst Professor/Lecturer (Water resources engineering-related subjects) - Few Ph.D./ ME / MSc in water resource engineering with BE in Civil Engineering.
Lecturer (Mechanical workshop/ Applied mechanics/ Drawing) - Few ME  Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent with BE in Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer (Mathematics) - Few MSc in Mathematics
Lecturer (Electrical) - One ME in Electrical related subjects with BE in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Lab Instructor (Civil) - One BE/ Diploma in Civil Engineering
Lab Instructor (Mechanical workshop) - One Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Lab Instructor (Computer) - Few BE in Computer Science / Engineering
Lab Instructor (Electronics) - Few BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering

For further detail, please contact:


Lalitpur-2, Sanepa, Nepal

Phone: 01-5520742

Email: [email protected]

Engineering Job Lalitpur Job Vacancy Teaching Jobs College Job

Everest Engineering College (EEC)

Sanepa, Lalitpur

Estd. 2001


