District Ayurveda Health Center, Mustang Vacancy for Kaviraj, HA and Office Helper

Vacancy 22 Feb 2021 3189

District Ayurveda Health Center, Mustang Vacancy for Kaviraj, HA and Office Helper

District Ayurveda Health Center, Mustang Vacancy for Kaviraj, HA, and Office Helper:

Province Government, Ministry of Social Development, Directorate of Health, District Ayurveda Health Center, Mustang, Gandaki Pradesh, Nepal

As per the program of the Province Government (Federal Conditional) Fiscal Year 2077/78, a citizen health service center has to be established and a lab has to be run for this district. This notice has been published to all concerned to apply in this office within 15 days from the date of publication of the notice.

Vacancy Details:

Position Required No. Qualification
Kaviraj 3 Passed Ayurved Assistant Course
Lab Assistant 1 Passed Lab Assistant Course (HA)
Office Helper 3 Passed Class 8

1) Age: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years.

2) Location to work: Citizen Health Service Center: Thasang VDC of Mustang District - Gharapzhong Rural Municipality and Loghyakar Damodar Kund Rural Municipality. Lab Assistant: District Ayurveda Health Center, Mustang.

3) Type of service: contract.

4) Documents to be submitted:

A) 1 copy of the certificate of passing Ayurveda Assistant and Lab Assistant course from a recognized educational institution.

B) 1 copy of Nepali citizenship certificate.

C) 1 copy of council registration certificate.

5) Contact place: District Ayurveda Health Center, Jomsom, Mustang.

6) Application Fee: Rs. 400 (only four hundred) for Kaviraj & Health Assistant and Rs. 100 (one hundred only) for Office Helper to be deposited in Nepal Bank Ltd. Revenue Title No. 14228 (Other Administrative Service Fees in Office Code No. 3500241034) and submit the original voucher.

7) Date of interview: 2077-11-26 at 10 o'clock in the office.

8) Selection Method: Interview and Priority Determination.

9) Interview: 40, District Resident: 3, Concerned Municipality: 2, Educational Qualification and Experience: 5 Higher Educational Qualification: 3, Training and Experience: 2 Total 50 marks.

10) No action will be taken on the application which has not reached the due date.

For more information contact:

069-440153, 9857651805

First published on 2077-11-10
