Didi Bahini Bachau Kaski Nepal (SOS Bahini Kaski Nepal) (Non-Government Organization) located in Pokhara is required a female health worker; Interested women who have passed certificate level or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and have acquired computer proficiency are requested to apply within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice.
Age – 25 – 40
Salary – As per organization rules
Interested women who have two-wheeler licenses can apply with their necessary documents to POB No. given below.
Required documents:
1) Handwritten application.
2) Copy of the Nepali citizenship certificate.
3) Copies of educational qualification certificates.
4) Copy of the certificate obtained from the concerned Council.
(Experienced female HA or CMA will be given special preference.)
Contact Details:
Didi Bahini Bachau Kaski Nepal (SOS Bahini Kaski Nepal)
Post Box Box No. 331
Phone No.: 061-535683
Pokhara, Nepal