Dhanushadham Municipality Announces Job Vacancy for Health Workers

Vacancy 10 Jun 2020 3324

Dhanushadham Municipality Announces Job Vacancy for Health Workers

Dhanushadham Municipality Announces Job Vacancy for Health Workers

Dhanushadham Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Dhanushadham, Dhanusha Revenue Branch

Phone: - 041-414005

Notice of Contract Service

Date of the first notice published: 2072-02-26

For the Urban Health Service Center of Dhanushadham Municipality, the following number of qualified and qualified technical staff has to be kept in the contract. Qualified Nepali citizens have to apply within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of the notice by 5:00 pm The information has been published. The job description will be as prescribed for the related post. Application forms can be obtained from the municipality. Contact the municipal health department for more information.

HA (Fifth level) - Urban Health Care Center, Mangalpur - 4 (four)

ANM (4th level) - Urban Health Care Center, Sarsa - 4 (four)

Office Assitant - Urban Health Service Center, Kisanpur - 4 (Four)

Educational Qualifications and Experience:

- Must be a Nepali citizen.

- Minimum Qualifications - Must have passed HA (Health Assistant -HA), ANM / ANM / Staff Nurse from a recognized educational institution.

- Must have completed 18 years and not exceed 35 years.

- In the case of HA, there should be a certificate of registration with Nepal Health Practitioners and an expired certificate.

- In the case of ANM, there should be an expired certificate of registration with the Nepal Nursing Council.

- In the case of Office Assistant, there should be a certificate of passing 8th class from a recognized educational institution.

- Must not be disqualified by other prevailing laws.

Documents to be attached in the application: -

The applicant should include personal details of the candidate, certified copy of educational qualification, a certified copy of the Nepali citizenship certificate, a certified copy of experience, and certified copy registered in various councils or councils or others as per prevailing Nepali law. The candidate himself has to sign and certify all the copies submitted. In case of proof of permanent residence, Nepali citizenship or immigration certificate or recommendation of permanent residence has to be submitted.

Fee per application: In the case of HA and ANM, Rs. 700 / - and Rs. It will cost 500.

Note: -

Information on the selection method and salary and other service facilities can be obtained at www.dhanusahdhammun.gov.np.

The selection period may be postponed or canceled at any time before the publication of the notice period or result.
