Chankheli Gaupalika Vacancy for Agriculture Officer, Rojgar Sahayak, ANM and AHW

Vacancy 29 Jul 2022 3305

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Chankheli Gaupalika Vacancy for Agriculture Officer, Rojgar Sahayak, ANM and AHW: Chankheli Rural Municipality, Rural Municipal Executive Office, Piplang, Humla, Karnali Province Nepal: In Chankheli Rural Municipality, it is necessary to hire the following positions through open competition on service contracts; This notice has been issued to call for applications from eligible Nepali citizens who have attached the detailed documents and receipts of payment of prescribed revenue within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice to this office during office hours.

Vacancy Details:

Positions Level Req. No.
Agriculture Officer (BSc. Ag.)  Sixth Level Officer 1
Rojgar Sahayak 5th Level Assistant 1
AHW 4th Level Assistant 9
ANM 4th Level Assistant 11

1) Other terms of appointment:

Candidate's Age Limit: In the case of Agricultural Officer (BSc. Ag) not exceeding 21 years and not exceeding 35 years by the last date of application; In the case of employment assistant, completed 18 years and not exceeding 35 years by the last date of application; In the case of health services, completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years by the last date of application.

Last date for submission of application: Within 15 days from the date of publication of notification.

Application fee: Rs.1000 (one thousand) for the sixth level, Rs.700 (seven hundred) for the fifth level, and Rs. 500 for the fourth level. (Five hundred).

Application Place: Chankheli Rural Municipality Office Piplang, Humla.

Service facilities: The criteria for employment assistant posts will be as per sections 13 and 14 of 2078 and in the case of others, it will be as specified by the Rural Municipality.

Mode of Selection: Publication of preliminary merit list and written and practical examination.

2) Documents to be attached with the application:

  • Copy of Nepali Citizenship Certificate.
  • Copy of minimum educational qualification certificate.
  • In the case of employment assistant and month, a computer training certificate is mandatory.
  • Experience document.
  • 2 per passport size photograph.

3) Other: For other information related to the application form and employment assistant post Syllabus, can be obtained from the Prime Minister's Employment Program and

For more information contact number: 9847297297, 9869863184

Note: The date of the exam will be published later.

 Date of first publication:2079-04-11

Government Job Health Job Job Vacancy Agriculture Job Humla

Chankheli Rural Municipality

Srimastha, Humla

Estd. 2017



Services Offered
