Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Vacancy for Coder / Editor and Data Entry Operator (Total 400 Vacancies)

Vacancy 30 Dec 2021 15443

Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)

Government of Nepal, National Planning Commission, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Thapathali, Kathmandu Vacancy for Coder/ Editor and Data Entry Operator on contract service.

Since the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has approved the National Multi-Census 2078 under the current multi-year sanctioned program for the data processing of the National Census 2078, it is necessary to hire persons in contracted posts and numbers as per the details. This information has been published for the information of all concerned by submitting the application form available from the administration branch of the department by submitting the prescribed examination fee within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this information. No action will be taken on the applications which are overdue or under due process.

Vacancy Details:

Position Req. No. Application Fee
Coder / Editor 100 Rs. 500
Data Entry Operator 300 Rs. 400

 Academic Qualification:

Position Req. No.
Coder / Editor
  • Graduated from a recognized educational institution.
Data Entry Operator
  • Passed proficiency certificate level or equivalent in computer subject from a recognized educational institution. Or,
  • Passed proficiency certificate level from a recognized educational institution and received at least 3 months computer training from a registered institution.

Selection Process: Only Interview for Coder / Editor and Computer Skill Test & Interview for Data Entry Operator

Contract Duration: Till end of Ashad 2079

Documents to be submitted with the application:

1) Certificate of required minimum educational qualification and certified copy of character certificate.

2) Certified copy of Nepali citizenship.

3) For data entry operators, if they have passed proficiency certificate level or equivalent in subjects other than computer subject, at least 3 months of computer trained certificate - certified copy.

Other information:

1) Interview and Experimental Examination: Contact date will be fixed later.

2) Contact Date: Will be informed later.

3) Place of work: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

4) Job Description: Posted on the notice board of Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). You have to work in the shift prescribed by CBS.

5) Exam Fees: Can be submitted in cash to CBS Financial Administration Branch.

6) Age: At least 18 years of age on the last day of application and not exceeding 35 years in case of men and not exceeding 40 years in case of women.

7) Service Fee Amount: As mentioned in Administrative Management and Financial Facility Criteria 2076 of National Census 2078; For Cadre / Editor: Rs. 3 per community questionnaire reading, household listing form per family maximum Rs. 1 and a maximum of Rs. Rate of 5; And for data entry operators: at a rate of 3 paisa per keystroke

8) After studying the applications received, based on the experience and educational qualifications of the candidates, CBS may shortlist them and call them for interview and experimental examination and interview.

9) For the post of coder / editor: Preference will be given to the person who has worked in the national census 2078 or any statistical survey conducted by the government body. For the post of Data Entry Operator: Special preference will be given to the person who has done work related to National Census 2078 or data entry.

Notice published date: 2078-09-14)

Government Job Kathmandu Job Vacancy