Bhaktapur Hospital Vacancy for Various Health Services, IT Officer and Plumber

Vacancy 23 Oct 2021 12965

Bhaktapur Hospital

Province Government, Ministry of Social Development, Bhaktapur Hospital, Bagmati Pradesh notice regarding employee service contract - General Physician, Chest Physician, Anesthesiologist, Pathologist, IT Officer, Microbiologist, Staff Nurse, Ophthalmology Assistant, Plumber.

In order to operate the services provided by Bhaktapur Hospital (ICU, PICU, NICU, Alzheimer's OPd, HDU, and Wards), the following health and civil service employees have to be hired on a contract basis; This notice has been published within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice by eligible Nepali citizens and if there is a public holiday on the same day, they should come to this hospital on the day of the opening of the office and apply.

1) Qualification

A) Must be a Nepali citizen.

B) Minimum qualification

Candidates for the above-mentioned health service posts have fulfilled the qualifications required for the posts in the group and sub-group as per Schedule 6 of the Nepal Health Service Regulations 2055 on the subject related to the educational institution or university recognized by the Government of Nepal.

  • The name has been registered and renewed in the Health-Related Professional Council established as per the prevailing law.
  • Not disqualified as per prevailing law.
  • In the future, he will not be disqualified from government service.
  • He has not been dismissed from the service since the financial collapse.
  • In the case of Microbiology: Bachelor's degree in Medical Microbiology.

First published date: 2075/07/05

Government Job Health Job Bhaktapur Job Vacancy Hospital Job Vacancy