Banganga Municipality Vacancy for IT Officer

Vacancy 07 Nov 2021 2917

Government Job Vacancy

Due to the need for an IT Officer in this office under the Provincial and Local Government Cooperation Development Program (PLGSP); Eligible Nepali citizens are invited to submit their application to this office within 15 days (within office hours) from the date of publication of this notice.

Vacancy Details:

Advertisement No: 01/078/79

Post: IT Officer

Required Number: 1 (One)


The minimum qualification for the post of “Computer Officer” to be taken by the Public Service Commission will be based on Computer or Information and Communications Technologies or (BIT, BIM, BEIT, BSC CSIT, BSC IT, BCA, BSCIS) degree from a recognized educational institution.

Required Documents: Personal Details, Certificate of Citizenship, Certificate of Educational Qualification (Certificate of Equivalency from Tribhuvan University if only proof outside Nepal

Work Experience: Must submit an appointment or agreement (work experience recommendation will not be accepted)

Permanent Address: Proof of residency as a permanent resident of the concerned ward should be kept.

Application Fee: Rs. 1200 (Original voucher filed in the Internal Revenue Account No. 0415601617188014 of this office at Krishi Vikas Bank Branch Jitpur)

Terms of Service (TOR): As specified by the Provincial and Local Government Cooperation Development Program (PLGSP). (

The examination committee will be appointed after the publication of short list from among the applicants. The information will be posted on the Banganga Municipality website and on the HBMBanganga Facebook page.

No action will be taken on applications received late

The application form can be downloaded from the office's website

Banganga Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Lambini Province - Kapilvastu Nepal

Government Job Job Vacancy Lumbini Pradesh Technical Jobs Kapilvastu Jobs for Freshers