Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy Yearly Calendar: Province Public Service Commission Bagmati Pradesh (Annual Vacancy Schedule 2079/80) Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 5 of the Annual Vacancy Schedule of Province Civil Service and Local Government Service
(For Officer Level and Assistant Level Posts)
(This schedule has been prepared in accordance with the current federal law on employee service conditions and amended accordingly after the local level employee service condition law is formulated.
1) Effective Date of Annual Schedule: 2079-04-19
2) Other subjects not included in the above agenda will be gradually included.
3) The Commission may amend the annual vacancy schedule for any service, group, sub-group or level of posts as per the need.
Province Police, Province Investigation Bureau Written Exam Conduct, Province and Local Level Organized Organization Annual Schedule In relation to sub-rule (1) of rule 5।