Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Call to Apply for Promotion of Various Positions and Level

Vacancy 13 Feb 2023 3086

Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Notice

State Public White House Commission, Bagmati Province, Hetauda, Administration and Information Publication Branch Notice regarding submission of application form for promotion.

When publishing the promotion notice mentioned in the local service details published by the Provincial People's Commission, Bagmati Province, Hetauda on 21-07-2079, Sub-section 2(1) of Section 9 of the Local Services (Formation and Operation) Ordinance, 2079 Local service employees who have completed the minimum period of service and educational qualification required for promotion to a position below the relevant service, group, and sub-group will be potential candidates for promotion based on seniority and performance evaluation.

But the Officer Level of service is at the ninth level or above, in any group under the service, or in the position below one level of the sub-group, and who have completed the minimum service period and educational qualification required for promotion. Candidates who have completed the qualifications as per the above, if they are exempted from registering the application due to lack of clarity, can register the application at the office of the Commission, Hetauda within 35 days from the date of publication of this notice. has been done

Type of Service / Group / Subgroup / Level / Promotion

  • Administration/General Administration/Ninth Level
  • Eng./Civil/General/Ninth Level
  • Engg/Mechanical/General Mechanical/Ninth Level
  • Administration/General Administration/Ninth Level
  • Engg./Simil/General/Ninth Level
  • Health/General Health Services/Ninth Level

Date: 2079-11-01

Bagmati Pradesh PPSC Bagmati

Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog, Bagmati Pradesh

Hetauda, Makwanpur

Estd. 2019


