Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Annual Vacancy Schedule 2078/2079

Vacancy 04 Aug 2021 29041

Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Annual Vacancy Schedule 2078-2079

Province Public Service Commission PPSC Bagmati Province (Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog) published an annual/ yearly vacancy schedule for the fiscal year 2078/79. All the vacancy advertisements, written exams, results, and recommendations will be performed as per the annual schedule.

Annual Vacancy Schedule of Province Civil Service, State Other Government Service, State Organized Institution - A (For officer level and assistant level posts)

(This schedule has been prepared in accordance with the prevailing federal law on employee service conditions and will be modified accordingly after the formulation of state law on employee service conditions).

Annual Vacancy Schedule of Local Government Services, Local Other Government and Local Level Organizations – B (For officer level and assistant level posts):

(This schedule has been prepared in accordance with the prevailing federal law on employee service conditions and will be modified accordingly after the enactment of local level employee service conditions law)


  • Annual Schedule Implementation Date: 2078-4-11
  • Other issues not included in the above schedule will be included gradually.
  • If there is a need to advertise any service, group, sub-group, level post except as specified in the annual vacancy schedule, the Commission may make a special decision and advertise.
  • The post of seniority and promotion by performance and efficiency will be published after the schedule.
Bagmati Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog, Bagmati Pradesh

Hetauda, Makwanpur

Estd. 2019


