Bagh Bhairav Secondary School, Lalitpur Vacancy For Teachers
Procedure for Education Rules 2059, Rule 96 (a) and Rule 97 sub-rule (3) of Bagh Bhairav ââSecondary School, MahanKal-4, Kaleshwar, Lalitpur, as per the requirement of the teacher and as per the advertisement not published on 2076/09/04. Due to the permission of the Education Development and Communication Unit, Lalitpur, dated 25076/09/02 for the appointment of contract teacher through open advertisement. As mentioned in the seal, the petition is sought from qualified and interested persons.
1. Secondary Level (Mathematics) Teacher – 1 (One)
2. Lower Secondary Level (Science-Mathematics) Teacher – 1 (One)
Exam Fees:
A) Secondary level: 1000
B) Lower secondary level: 750
Documents to be submitted
- Application
- Personal details
- Copies of educational qualification certificates
- Copy of teaching permit
- Copy of Nepali citizenship
- Certificate of Wellness as per Schedule - 14
The following persons will be eligible to apply:
Educational Qualification:
Secondary level: Graduate level pass on the related subject from a recognized educational institution!
Lower Secondary Level: Pass the Proficiency Certificate level (10+2) in a related subject from a recognized educational institution.
Age: 18 years and not exceeding 40 years of age.
Examination type: Written, interviewed and experimental if necessary.
Deadline for Application Submission: 15 days from the date of this notice published.
Contact Date: 2076/10/05
Bagh Bhairav Secondary School, Kaleshwar, Lalitpur
Contact no. : 98562792727, 9851229218