Arghakhanchi Technical Training School Vacancy for Trainers and Co-Trainers:
Arghakhanchi Technical Training School, one of the reputed technical education and vocational training institution is seeking qualified, and experienced professionals in the following positions based in Kathmandu Valley, Arghakhanchi, and Kapilvastu District.
Position, Trades and Required No. |
Qualifications |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Library Management) - 4 / 4 |
Bachelor in Library Management / Librarian Level 2 |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Agriculture) - 6 / 6 |
Intermediate / Diploma in Agriculture |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Animal Science) - 6 / 6 |
Intermediate / Diploma in Animal Science |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (ECDF / Montessorian) - 8 / 8 |
B Ed. in Education / ECDF Level 2 |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Dress Maker) - 4 / 4 |
Tailoring / Dress Maker Level 2 |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Building Electrician) -5 / 5 |
Intermediate / Diploma in Electrical Engineering / Electrician Level 2 |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Plumber) - 4 / 4 |
Intermediate / Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Plumber Level 2 |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Mason / Construction Worker) - 6 / 6 |
Intermediate / Diploma in Civil Engineering / Mason / Construction Worker Level 2 |
Main Trainer / Co-Trainer (Mobile Phone Repairer) - 4 / 4 |
Intermediate / Diploma in Electronics Engineering / Mobile Phone Repairer Level 2 |
Trainer (Business Skill / Life Skill) -2 |
Bachelor in Management with Training in Business / Life Skills |
Salary: Negotiable / No Bar for Deserving Candidates.
*Allowances for working in Arghakhanchi and Kapilvastu.
Interested candidates are encouraged to send their applications to [email protected], with updated CV and credentials. Candidates have requested to choose their interview
location from Kathmandu, Kapilvastu, or Arghakhanchi. Only Short-listed candidates will be called for an interview. ATTS is an equal opportunity employer.
Sandhikharka- 1, Arghakhanchi, Phone: 077-420174
Narephant, Bhaktapur, Phone: 9741133327
Kharendrapur, Kapilvastu, Phone: 9857038148