Aama Chhodingmo Rural Municipality Vacancy for Employment Coordinator

Vacancy 21 Sep 2020 2404

Government Job Vacancy

Aama Chhodingmo Rural Municipality Vacancy for Employment Coordinator:

Aama Chhodingmo Rural Municipality (Gaupalika), Office of Rural Municipal Executive, Molnungbesi, Rasuwa, Bagmati Pradesh, Nepal notice regarding fulfillment of employment coordinator contract:

The Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, according to a letter from the Prime Minister's Employment Program, to fill the vacancy required for the operation of the Employment Service Center in Amachhodidmo Rural Municipality. Interested Nepali citizens who have reached the following qualifications are requested to apply to this office within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice along with the required details and receipt of payment of revenue.

Job Vacancy Details:

1. Employment Coordinator (Rojgar Samyojak)

Ad No. 03/2077/078
Level Local Level Service 5th Assistant
Application Fees Rs. 500
Selection Process Shortlisting, Written Exam, and Interview

1. Minimum Qualifications Required:

  • Passed proficiency certificate level (10+2) or equivalent.
  • Completed 18 years of age and not exceeding 45 years.
  • No action has been taken to disqualify him from future government service.
  • The court has not found him guilty of criminal charges of moral turpitude.

2. Place of application: Amachhodingmo Amachhodidmo Rural Municipality, Rural Municipal Executive Office Rasuwa.

3. Last date to apply: Within office hours of 2077-06-19.

4. Application Fee: Rs. 500.- (only five rupees).

5. Type of Selection: Publication of Preliminary Qualification Order List, Written Examination and Final

6. Publication of qualification list.

7. Applicants attached to the application: The following are the self-certified applicants

  • Copies of documents:
  • Certificate of Nepali citizenship,
  • Certificate of Minimum Qualification,
  • Certificate of Character,
  • Experience certificate,
  • 2 copies of passport size color photo.

8. Service Facilities: Sections 18, 19, and 20 of the criteria related to the recruitment of service coordinators and service facilities will be as per.

9. Job Description to be performed by the post: The employment coordinator will be in accordance with Article 14 of the criteria related to the filling of posts and service facilities.

10. Note: The application format will be as per schedule 1 of the criteria related to the recruitment and service facilities of the employment coordinator.

Official Website: www.parbatikundamun.gov.np

Phone No: 9851235533

This Aama Chhodingmo rural municipality is also known as Parbti Kunda Rural Municipality.

First published on 2077-6-3

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Aama Chhodingmo Rural Municipality

Goljung, Rasuwa

Estd. 2017



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