Xmart Credit Software Development in Nepal

Technology 26 Oct 2019 1722

Xmart Credit Software

XmartPoint Technologies has developed Xmart Credit software that will assist all types of loan processes by conducting a detailed study of Nepali banks and financial institutions. It will be suitable for credit cards, personal loans, business loans, corporate loans while issuing all types of loans. 

The complete support for banks and financial institutions will produce loan orientation, management, loan proposal production, approval process and all security documents (offer letter and instrument) in the software. 

This software provides over 100 types of MIS and Intelligent reports. Which is said to facilitate decision making and process tracking for organizations and employees. 

With the use of the software, the financial institution can approve the error-free loan in a very short time. This will also increase customer satisfaction. According to Vinay Acharya, chief executive officer of the company, Nepali banks, and financial institutions say that Nepali software can be used instead of using foreign software at a higher cost. This is the first software developed in Nepal. 

"We are going to market this software soon," he said, adding that we have developed secure technology using Xmart Credit Modern Development Technology. He said that this software will be useful for Nepali banks and financial institutions as the software has been developed by the Nepali financial institution. 
