Are you moving your business from an office to remote working? Or are you looking to recruit some remote workers?
Remote work is a challenge for managers and staff, but luckily, as this has become a more common workplace option, many options can make it easier for you and your team. You will need to base the options on the line of work, but there are some core things to look into, and here, you will be walked through what they are.
Invest in an Intranet
When it comes to onboarding and managing a remote team, you don't want to spend multiple hours of the day sending documents or relaying information. This is why it is worth looking into intranet consultancy options, as this will provide you with a hub that your team can check in to when they require documents, HR information, or even general guidance on your business guidelines. This will also act as a hub for them to collaborate and to voice any concerns with you and your team.
Choose A Reliable Communication Channel
An intranet will indeed offer a communication platform between you and your team, but it is also worth investing in a backup option, just to be sure that your team can communicate with you, even if they are out and about. Many businesses in 2025 have invested in business emails, or even chat logs such as WhatsApp to keep in communication with their team.
Another way you can make remote working easier for your team is to check in with them at least once a week. Ideally, you don't want to attempt to micromanage in a remote work setting, as this will take the majority of the freedom out of remote working and can turn them off from engaging with you. Be sure that you respond to messages promptly so that your team will feel supported and know that you are taking them seriously.
Minimise Meetings
Speaking of freedom and remote working, you will likely need to engage in meetings, but try to keep this to a minimum! It has been said thousands of times by remote workers that in a lot of workplaces, a long meeting could have easily been summarised in an email. So, aim to do that if and when you can; you don't want to clog up the entire working schedule with meetings and then have to make your team work late into the night, as this is far from an easy working schedule to maintain!
Create a Shared Calendar
When it comes to planning meetings or talks with your team, it is worth looking into creating a shared calendar that all of your team can view and access as and when they need to. You can often get these for free online or, they may come as part of the aforementioned intranet options. This will allow your team to prepare for meetings and will also ensure that everybody is on the same page about upcoming events.