FEDOR Robot At the International Space Station

Technology 27 Aug 2019 931

Fedor Robot

Russia has successfully established the first humanoid robot at the International Space Station (ISS) on Tuesday. The Russian campaign last week was unsuccessful.

Like a human named Fedor, a robot, like a human, moves around and brings stuff around. This will especially help the scientists at the space station.     

"The contact is established, the robot is connected to the space center," said one NASA commentator, adding that the Russian space station Roskommos also took the robot to space with the help of the unmanned Soyuz MS-14.

The spacecraft was broadcast live by US NASA TV. TV commentators say the space station has now reached seven. Six scientists are already in space.     

The vehicle was launched last Thursday from southern Kazakhstan. The robot will be deployed at the space center by September 7th.     

Soyuz Yan, especially humans, are only transported to space, but this time a robot is sent. The ship has shipped 670kg of dry goods containing medical equipment, food, medicines, and personal hygiene items.

Fedor is not the first robot sent into space. In 2011, NASA sent a robot called Robonet 2 with the help of General Motors. This robot was also used to operate in high-risk places.     

But after seeing a technical problem, the robot was returned to Earth in 2018.     

In 2013, Japan also sent a small robot named Kirito along with its astronauts. This robot made by Toyota could store communications, but it could only store the Japanese language.     

Since 1998, the International Space Center orbited by the Earth's orbit has rotated around the Earth at a speed of 28 thousand kilometers per hour.
