
Rural Municipality


Local Government Services in Raksirang Rural Municipality

Raksirang Rural Municipality, also known as Raksirang Gaupalika, is a rural administrative area located in the Makwanpur district within Bagmati Pradesh, Nepal. Established on 27th February 2017 (2073-11-27 BS), this municipality was formed by merging the former Village Development Committees (VDCs) of Kankada, Raksirang, Sarikhet, and Khairang. The municipality covers a total area of 226.7 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 25,996, as per the 2078 BS census, with a population density of around 135.72 individuals per square kilometer. Raksirang is predominantly inhabited by the Tamang and Chepang ethnic communities.

Geographically diverse, Raksirang is located at altitudes ranging from 300 meters to 2300 meters above sea level, resulting in a varied climate from hot valleys to temperate hills. Agriculture is the primary occupation, though infrastructural development, particularly in road construction, is a key focus for the municipality.

Local Government Services

Raksirang Rural Municipality offers a range of essential services to its residents, aimed at improving their quality of life and supporting the development of the community. The local government services include:

1. Infrastructure Development

  • Road Construction and Maintenance: The municipality prioritizes the development of road infrastructure, with ongoing projects to upgrade and gravel roads, and future plans to blacktop major routes to improve connectivity and accessibility.
  • Irrigation Facilities: The local government is working on expanding irrigation facilities to enhance agricultural productivity, which is vital for the predominantly agrarian community.

2. Health Services

  • Primary Health Care: Raksirang provides access to basic health care services through local health posts and primary health centers. The municipality focuses on improving maternal and child health, vaccination programs, and general medical care.
  • Health Awareness Programs: Regular health camps and awareness programs are organized to educate the community about preventive health measures and sanitation practices.

3. Educational Services

  • Primary and Secondary Education: The municipality oversees the functioning of public schools, ensuring access to quality education for children in the community. Initiatives are in place to improve literacy rates, currently at 70.2%, and reduce school dropout rates.
  • Scholarships and Support: The local government provides scholarships and financial assistance to underprivileged and marginalized students to encourage continued education.

4. Agricultural Support

  • Subsidies and Training: Farmers in Raksirang receive subsidies for seeds, fertilizers, and tools. Additionally, training programs are conducted to educate farmers on modern agricultural techniques and organic farming practices.
  • Market Access: The municipality is working to improve market access for local produce by establishing collection centers and facilitating transportation to larger markets.

5. Social Welfare Services

  • Support for Marginalized Communities: The local government offers various support programs for marginalized communities, including the Tamang and Chepang populations, to improve their living standards and access to basic services.
  • Disaster Management: Raksirang has plans and resources in place for disaster management and relief, providing assistance during natural calamities like floods and landslides, which are common due to the region's geography.

6. Administrative Services

  • Civil Registration: The municipality provides services related to the registration of births, deaths, marriages, and other civil records, ensuring that residents have access to legal documentation and citizenship certificates.
  • Tax Collection and Revenue Management: Raksirang handles the collection of local taxes and manages revenue to fund various development projects within the municipality.

7. Environmental Conservation

  • Forest Management: With a significant portion of the land covered in forests, the municipality promotes sustainable forest management practices to conserve natural resources while supporting the livelihoods of the local population.
  • Waste Management: Initiatives are in place to manage waste disposal and promote environmental cleanliness within the community.

8. Public Safety and Security

  • Community Policing: The municipality collaborates with local law enforcement to ensure public safety, reduce crime, and address issues like domestic violence and substance abuse.
  • Fire and Rescue Services: Raksirang provides basic fire and rescue services to handle emergencies, particularly in remote and hard-to-reach areas.


Raksirang Rural Municipality is committed to providing essential services that cater to the needs of its diverse population. Through continuous efforts in infrastructure development, health care, education, and social welfare, the local government aims to foster sustainable growth and improve the overall well-being of its residents. The municipality's strategic focus on road development and agricultural support highlights its dedication to enhancing economic opportunities and ensuring a better quality of life for its community members.

Contact Details of Raksirang Rural Municipality, Makwanpur


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