Medical Education Commission - MEC (Chikitsa Shikshya Aayog) News, results, exams, notices, latest updates, medical education results, medical education exams, and medical education quotas.
What is the basis for determining tuition fees for medical education? How often is it reviewed? How can information on subject-specific and level-specific fees be obtained?
Section 18(1) ‘ka’ of the National Medical Education Act 2075 BS, regarding the fees charged for undergraduate programs in medical education, states, "The commission will determine the fees taking into account the cost and operating expenses of the university, institution, or educational institution, inflation, geographical location, scholarships, and free services." Based on this, the commission determines the tuition fees. The commission forms a Tuition Fee Determination Recommendation Committee and determines the tuition fees based on the recommendations of this committee. Therefore, the tuition fee rate for each academic session may vary.
Details of fees that may change annually are published on the commission's website. Details of the course/program-specific fees determined by the Medical Education Commission for each academic year are available on the commission's website: www.mec.gov.np.
Are students studying on scholarships allowed to change their subjects and educational institutions, or not?
Generally, students studying on scholarships are not allowed to change their subjects and educational institutions.
After the seats are determined by the executive committee, they are made public on the commission's website for general information.
Seat determination is focused on student learning and is based on infrastructure, manpower, national and international practices, and standards. Therefore, there is no concept of a maximum or minimum number of seats.
How can the public get information about the number of seats available in each institution?
After the seats are determined by the executive committee, they are made public on the commission's website for general information.
How does the commission determine the number of seats in institutions that provide medical education?
The Directorate of Standards of the commission sets the standards for educational institutions. Based on these standards, a Self Appraisal Tool/Yard Stick has been developed. The information and details requested in this self-appraisal tool must be filled out and provided by the educational institution itself. Based on the information provided in the self-appraisal tool, verification and monitoring are carried out in the field by a group of experts deployed by the commission. Based on the recommendation of the monitoring team, the Seat Determination Recommendation Committee prepares a report and submits it to the executive committee of the commission.
Can educational institutions charge tuition fees higher than those set by the Medical Education Commission? If they charge more, what should be done?
The tuition fees set by the Medical Education Commission are the maximum fees, so no educational institution can charge more than the fees set by the commission. If higher fees are charged, a complaint or information can be submitted to the District Administration Office of the concerned district, the concerned university, and the Medical Education Commission.
Is it mandatory to live in the educational institution's accommodation (hostel)?
It is not mandatory to live in the educational institution's accommodation (hostel), but students must attend classes on time as scheduled by the educational institution and fulfill their study-related responsibilities.
What other fees are required to be paid while studying at educational institutions?
It is not mandatory to pay any fees other than the tuition fees set by the commission. Fees for accommodation, food, etc., may have to be paid based on the agreement between the concerned educational institution and the student/guardian.
Are tuition fees different or the same across institutions that provide medical education in Nepal?
For the undergraduate MBBS program, the tuition fees for educational institutions outside the Kathmandu Valley and within the Kathmandu Valley are different. For other programs and educational institutions, the fees are the same.
What are the responsibilities of a student studying on scholarship?
The responsibilities of a student studying on scholarship are as follows:
After being selected for a scholarship, they must enroll in the concerned university or institution.
They must study regularly within the scope of the prevailing rules and discipline of the concerned educational institution.
They are not allowed to drop out in the middle of their studies.
They must complete their studies within the prescribed period.
After completing their studies, they must perform compulsory service for one year in remote areas and one year in accessible areas as assigned by the Government of Nepal, as per Section 38 (1) of the Act.
What does tuition fee in medical education mean?
The National Medical Education Act 2075 defines tuition fee as: "Tuition fee means the admission, teaching, lab, library, community training, or examination fees charged by an educational institution throughout the study period of medical education, and this term also refers to other fees charged by the educational institution with the approval of the Commission."
How to obtain a Letter of Intent and add programs?
Any new educational institution wishing to operate programs under medical education must obtain a Letter of Intent as per Section 11 of the Medical Education Act 2075. Educational institutions already running medical education programs that wish to add more programs must complete the process according to the Internal Procedures Related to Letter of Intent, Affiliation, and Accreditation, 2078. The procedure is available on the commission's website.
What conditions must an educational institution that has received a Letter of Intent fulfill to be recommended for affiliation?
An educational institution that has received a Letter of Intent must fulfill the following conditions to be recommended for affiliation:
Fulfilled the conditions mentioned in the Letter of Intent.
For programs requiring a hospital, obtained approval as per prevailing law and fully operated its own hospital with the specified number of beds for three consecutive years.
Fulfilled the standards set by the commission and the standards prescribed by prevailing law.
Submitted proof of being eligible to obtain affiliation from a university/council.
Fulfilled the physical, academic, and educational infrastructure as specified in the schedule.
Attached a self-evaluation report.
Completed all procedures prescribed by prevailing law.
Where and when should institutions wishing to establish an institution to conduct medical education programs apply for a Letter of Intent?
Institutions wishing to establish an institution to conduct medical education programs under a university/institution can submit an application for a Letter of Intent to the commission every year in the month of Asar (June/July). For programs under a council, applications can be submitted within the month of Asar every year based on the recommendation of the council. For a Letter of Intent, procedures as per the National Medical Education Act, 2075, National Medical Education Regulations, 2077, and Internal Procedures Related to Letter of Intent, Affiliation, and Accreditation, 2078 must be completed, and the application must be submitted in the specified format with the recommendation of the relevant university/institution or council.
How much fee should be paid and where to obtain a Foreign Study Eligibility Letter for Bachelor's level, Postgraduate level, Fellowship programs, and high-level training in medical education subjects? If the eligibility letter is not available, will the fee be refunded?
For a Foreign Study Eligibility Letter in medical education subjects, the fee is Rs. 3000/- (three thousand rupees only) for the Bachelor's level and Rs. 5000/- (five thousand rupees only) for Postgraduate level or above Fellowship programs. The fee must be deposited through the prescribed method into the commission's account at Himalayan Bank.
If an eligibility letter cannot be issued due to non-fulfillment of the prescribed criteria by the person who paid the fee, the amount will not be refunded. Therefore, it is advised to confirm eligibility for the eligibility letter before paying the fee.
Can students who have completed their studies in a period shorter than the equivalent level in Nepal get a Study Eligibility Letter?
After completing studies abroad, an equivalence certificate must be obtained from the Curriculum Development Centre under Tribhuvan University. The study period must be equal to the duration of the equivalent level as determined by the university. Programs in any level or subject of medical education with a shorter duration of study than in Nepal will not receive equivalence from the Curriculum Development Centre and will not be registered with the relevant professional council. Therefore, a Study Eligibility Letter will not be issued.
Can someone who has not taken or is not eligible in the MEC Integrated Entrance Examination get a Study Eligibility Letter to study abroad?
Those who have not taken the Integrated Entrance Examination conducted by the commission or are not eligible after taking the exam, or those who were duly qualified in the entrance exam but the validity period of the result prescribed by the Act has expired, cannot get a Study Eligibility Letter to study abroad. However, in the case of those who have passed the national-level written entrance examination of the relevant country specified by the commission with a minimum of 50 percent or 50th percentile marks, permission may be granted to study in the same country.
What qualifications must Nepali citizens have, and until when can they get an Eligibility Letter?
Nepali citizens who have passed the entrance examination conducted by the commission can get an Eligibility Letter to study at the level and subject for which they passed the entrance examination before the publication of the results of the next entrance examination. However, those wishing to study subjects for which the commission has not conducted an entrance examination, it is sufficient to have passed the entrance examination of a related subject at the same level (for example, to study Bachelor's in Anesthesia, students who have taken the bio group in +2 or equivalent need to have passed the entrance examination of any subject like BPH, BMLT conducted by the commission).
The minimum qualifications and required documents to obtain an Eligibility Letter are given in the Eligibility Letter menu on the commission's website. Online forms must be submitted through that link.
What are the programs of the National Board of Medical Specialties?
As per Schedule-8 of the National Medical Education Regulations 2077, the programs currently in operation are as follows:
NBMS- Specialty
NBMS-Sub Specialty
As per the National Board of Medical Specialties Program Operation Procedure 2077, there are Specialty (Postgraduate level) and Subspecialty (above Postgraduate level) programs.
What are the other amounts/expenses that students have to bear themselves?
Amount for participating in mandatory training and seminars
Accommodation/transportation and other personal expenses
How much does it cost to study in Specialty/Subspecialty level programs?
The amount to be paid by the student to the Medical Education Commission is as follows:
Registration fee: Rs. 50,000 (Fifty thousand rupees only) at the time of admission
Thesis/Logbook/E-Logbook Processing and Review: Rs. 50,000 (Fifty thousand rupees only) in the second year
NBMS Board Examination and Certification fee: Lump sum amount Rs. 2,000,00 (Two Lakh rupees only) in the third year
What are the provisions regarding the recognition of Specialty and Subspecialty programs?
As per the National Board of Medical Specialties Program Operation Procedure 2077, the Specialty level program will be equivalent to a Postgraduate level, and the Subspecialty level program will be equivalent to a level higher than that.
What are the provisions regarding the degree for Specialty and Subspecialty programs?
Clause 6(jha) of the National Medical Education Act 2075, under the functions, duties, and powers of the commission, provides for conferring a degree to physicians who pass the examination conducted by the National Board of Medical Specialties.
Who conducts the Final Exit Exam for students enrolled in NBMS programs and who have completed their studies?
The Medical Education Commission, National Board of Medical Specialties, conducts the final examination and certification-related activities for the Specialty/Subspecialty level.
What qualifications are required to study in the National Board of Medical Specialties programs?
Must be registered with the Nepal Medical Council and have passed the Integrated Entrance Examination of the relevant level conducted by the commission.
Students who have passed the Integrated Entrance Examination must choose a program and institution according to the matching system specified by the commission.
After matching in the Specialty/Subspecialty program, students must sign an acceptance letter and enroll at the NBMS Directorate.
What procedures must institutions wishing to run National Board of Medical Specialties programs complete?
Must submit a self-evaluation as requested by the National Board of Medical Specialties by publishing a public notice.
Institutions that receive permission and seats to run programs must operate the program as per the bilateral agreement with the National Board of Medical Specialties.
Regular teaching and rotational postings, including other educational/academic activities as prescribed by the curriculum, must be conducted for students enrolled in NBMS programs.
Internal examinations for students enrolled in NBMS programs must be conducted every 6 months.
Institutions running programs under the Board must provide a subsistence allowance to students studying at the Specialty level at least equal to the salary received by a Medical Officer of the Government of Nepal and to students studying at the Subspecialty level at least equal to the salary received by a specialist of the 9th level of the Government of Nepal. Other services and facilities may also be provided in addition to this.
Other functions as per the National Medical Education Act 2075, National Medical Education Regulations 2077, and National Board of Medical Specialties Program Operation Procedure 2077 must be performed.
Where can National Board of Medical Specialties programs be operated?
Except for universities, institutions, or educational institutions affiliated with universities, programs can be operated in government and private hospitals that have fulfilled the specified infrastructure.
Is a Study Eligibility Letter mandatory to study abroad? Do those who went abroad and completed their studies before obtaining a Study Eligibility Letter need to obtain one now? If so, how can it be obtained?
A Study Eligibility Letter must be obtained from the commission before going abroad to study higher education in medical education at a foreign university or educational institution. Registration with the relevant professional council is only possible after submitting an application with an Eligibility Letter. Therefore, it is mandatory to obtain an eligibility letter before going to study. However, if someone went for foreign studies before Ashwin 15, 2077 BS (October 1, 2020 AD) without obtaining an eligibility letter and was eligible to get a study eligibility letter in that year, such students should apply to the relevant professional council.
What are the functions, duties, and powers of the National Board of Medical Specialties?
As mentioned in Rule 31 of the National Medical Education Regulations 2077, its main areas of work are as follows:
Preparing curriculum to run Specialty programs.
Running Specialty programs in health institutions that have fulfilled the infrastructure. Identifying institutions and faculty to run new Specialty programs.
Preparing a list of seats, faculty, and participants for clinical disciplines of Specialties.
Conducting or causing to be conducted the National Board of Medical Specialties examination.
Developing and implementing a monitoring and evaluation system. Consulting and coordinating with national and international organizations.
What is the National Board of Medical Specialties?
As mentioned in Section 28(d) of the National Medical Education Act 2075, it is one of the four directorates-boards established under the Medical Education Commission. Provisions regarding its formation and functions, duties, and powers are in Rule 30(1) of the National Medical Education Regulations 2077.
What is the work of the Medical Education Commission regarding the curriculum?
The work of the Medical Education Commission regarding the curriculum is to prepare a national curriculum format/blueprint for the medical education sector and maintain the format and uniformity of the national curriculum.
What are the provisions regarding the selection of students for scholarships received by the Commission from abroad through the Government of Nepal?
While selecting for scholarship seats received from abroad, if the matching process of the integrated entrance examination of the concerned level has not been done, then students will be selected through the matching system by determining the priority for the educational institutions of Nepal and scholarship seats available from abroad at the same time.
What kind of commitment should a student studying for free or on scholarship make? What happens if a student does not work as per the commitment?
Students studying for free or on scholarship must make a commitment to work for one year in a remote area and one year in an accessible area as assigned by the Government of Nepal after their studies. If a student does not work according to the commitment, a fine of double the amount paid by a student paying full fees at the concerned educational institution will be collected from him/her as a government debt.
What documents should candidates interested in studying on scholarships received from educational institutions within Nepal and abroad submit for a scholarship?
Candidates interested in studying on scholarships received from educational institutions within Nepal and from abroad will be selected for the scholarship seat after verifying the following documents submitted by them while applying for the integrated entrance examination. The documents to be submitted for studying on scholarships are as follows:
Nepali Citizenship/National Identity Card
Proof of qualifying in the relevant level integrated entrance examination conducted by the Medical Education Commission.
Certified document of the reserved group for scholarships towards the reserved group.
Departmental approval in the case of those working in government service.
Other documents as requested by the Commission.
What action will be taken if a student selected on scholarship fails to fulfill his/her responsibilities?
If a student selected on scholarship fails to fulfill the prescribed responsibilities, the following will be taken:
After the year in which he/she drops out of the prescribed educational institution, he/she will not be allowed to participate in any level of integrated entrance examination conducted by the Commission for two consecutive years. Also, he/she will be ineligible to study on the same level of scholarship in the future.
If a student receiving a scholarship does not perform the work as per the agreement, a fine of double the amount paid by the student paying the full fee will be collected from him/her as a government due.
If a student receiving a scholarship does not perform the work as per the agreement, the action will be taken as per the Act and Regulations.
What is the procedure to get certified that one has studied in a community school from class 6 to 10? What documents are required for this? How is the prescribed form available?
To get certified that one has studied in a community school from class 6 to 10, one must fill in their details in the prescribed form and submit an application to the school they studied at. After being certified by the school principal, it must also be certified by the education branch chief of the concerned local level. For this, mark sheets and certificates from classes 6 to 10 are required. These mark sheets and the form certified by the principal of the concerned school must be submitted to the education chief of the local level. If the details are correct, the education chief of the local level will certify it by signing with their name, position, and office seal.
The prescribed form format for this work can be downloaded from the commission's website.
How to get information about whether the application form for the Integrated Entrance Examination has been approved or rejected?
The Examination Directorate may verify the application forms received online and approve or reject the application form, and the commission will inform the concerned candidate through their profile.
What documents are required when applying to participate in the Integrated Entrance Examination?
Nepali citizenship/National Identity Card and passport in case of foreign nationals.
Certificates and transcripts of minimum educational qualifications.
In the case of Nepalis who have passed from foreign boards or universities, an equivalence certificate determined by the body or university designated by the Government of Nepal.
If the percentage or grade is not mentioned in the educational qualification certificates, a certificate from the concerned university or institution stating the percentage or grade.
In the case of candidates applying for reserved groups, documents to be certified as per Rule 21 of the Regulations (http://mec.gov.np/np/detail/national-medical-education-regulation-2077)
Certificate of experience in case experience is required.
Study permission letter from the Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal, for government doctors or health workers working in government service who want to study at the postgraduate level in public educational institutions, as per Rule 16 of the Regulations.
Registration certificate with the relevant council for programs/subjects that require registration with the Professional council.
Bank voucher or related digital proof of payment of the examination fee as determined by the executive committee.
Recently taken passport-size digital photo.
Scanned copy of the applicant's signature.
In the case of foreign candidates, a certificate of obtaining a minimum of the 50th percentile in the national-level integrated entrance examination of the concerned nation, or a minimum of 50 percent marks if the result of that entrance examination is in percentage.
Other documents mentioned in the notice published by the commission.
What should be considered before applying for the Integrated Entrance Examination conducted by the commission?
Read and understand the notice published by the commission carefully.
Ensure that you meet the minimum qualifications.
Submit the application form online for the group you want to apply for.
Apply for one or more educational programs that do not conflict with the exam schedule by uploading separate bank vouchers.
The last date for filling the bank voucher expires 2 days before the last date for submitting the application, so read and understand the notice carefully.
Verify all the documents to be uploaded along with the application form.
What qualifications are required to participate in the Bachelor's level Integrated Entrance Examination conducted by the commission?
To be eligible for the Bachelor's level entrance examination, one must have passed class 12 or equivalent with science (including Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) with an average of 50 percent marks or 2.4 GPA, but for BNS (Bachelor in Nursing Science), one must have passed Proficiency Certificate Level or Diploma in Nursing with at least 50 percent marks and be registered with the Nepal Nursing Council.
Additional qualification details required to participate in the Bachelor's level entrance examination are as per the qualifications determined in the syllabus of the Integrated Entrance Examination of the concerned educational program.
What levels, subjects, and programs are under medical education?
Under medical education, there are 14 subjects/educational programs at the Bachelor's level, 53 at the Postgraduate level, and 15 at the DM/MCh level. Under the National Board of Medical Specialties, there are Specialty (equivalent to postgraduate) and Subspecialty (equivalent to DM/MCh) programs.
Detailed information on levels, subjects, and programs under medical education is mentioned in Schedule 8 of the National Medical Education Regulations 2077 (http://mec.gov.np/np/detail/national-medical-education-regulation-2077).
Is it necessary to come to the commission to fill out the Integrated Entrance Examination form?
No. All activities related to the commission's examinations, including filling out the exam form, are done through the online system.
When does the form for the Integrated Entrance Examination of Medical Education open?
Examination-related activities are conducted based on the annual academic calendar published by the commission. The annual academic calendar can be found on the commission's website www.mec.gov.np.
When and where does the commission submit its annual report?
The commission prepares an annual report with details of the work performed throughout each financial year and submits it to the Government of Nepal within sixty days of the end of the financial year.
How can the admit card for the entrance examination conducted by the commission be obtained?
After the commission completes the work of setting roll numbers and determining centers, arrangements have been made for the concerned candidates to view and print the admit card through their profile from 5 days before the entrance examination.
Candidates must print the admit card in color and take it to the examination hall.
What is the penalty if a student is found to have submitted fake documents?
If the details and educational certificates and documents uploaded by a candidate at the time of application are found to be false, their name will be removed from the merit list at any time, and such candidates may be prohibited from participating in any level of entrance examination conducted by the Medical Education Commission for two academic sessions as per the decision of the executive committee. Also, if such fake documents are proven, action may be taken at any time, even while being a student or in the profession in the future. Their professional practice license from the relevant council may also be revoked. Additional action may also be taken as per prevailing law.
Where and with whom should one contact for inquiries regarding the work performed by the commission?
First, information and details on the commission's website should be checked.
Information Officer should be contacted.
You can inquire with the director of the directorate or the employee of the concerned branch to which your inquiry is related.
If you do not get a satisfactory answer to your inquiry even after doing this, you can contact the Member Secretary of the Commission, the Vice-Chairman of the Commission.
If the affiliation of an educational institution is revoked, will the students studying at that institution face any problems? What arrangements are in place to ensure the completion of their studies?
If an affiliated or constituent educational institution does not meet the approved standards or charges fees higher than those set by the commission, the affiliation of any one or more educational programs of such educational institutions may be revoked.
Revocation of affiliation will not cause any problems for the students studying at that institution to complete their studies. The task of completing the studies and awarding degrees to the students studying in such educational institutions must be done by the concerned university or council, and the financial liability for this will be of the educational institution whose affiliation has been revoked.
What is the student admission process in medical education? What should a student do if the designated educational institution does not admit them?
The student admission process in medical education institutions is as follows:
(a) Admission to the concerned educational institution is possible only after passing the Integrated Entrance Examination conducted by the commission and through the matching process based on merit.
(b) After the publication of the admission list for each phase, a minimum of 5 days is given for admission.
(c) The admission process will be completed within 35 days of the start of the academic session.
If the designated educational institution does not admit a student, the student should contact the head of the educational institution to clarify the reason and contact the commission to resolve the issue. In this regard, the commission will understand the reality and address it as per the rules.
Where can I get the necessary information about the Medical Education Commission?
Necessary information about the Medical Education Commission can be obtained through the following means:
Medical Education Commission Website: mec.gov.np
Medical Education Commission's semi-annual bulletin and annual report.
Notices published from time to time in various issues of Gorkhapatra National Daily.
Information Officer at the commission's office.
FAQs placed on the commission's website.
Contacting the commission's inquiry branch.
From specialized information and contact of directorates and branches.
How are experts working in the commission selected?
The commission takes applications through public notice to list experts needed for examinations, standards, and other subject areas and prepares a list of experts from among the experts who have met the specified criteria. Experts are mobilized based on these listed names.
Who are the experts working on the commission?
Experts in the field of medical education, as well as experts from educational institutions teaching/facilitating teaching in various related subjects, are the experts of the commission.
How do you print a copy of the Scorecard showing the marks obtained in the entrance examination conducted by the commission?
Detailed result information can be viewed on the commission's website https://mec.gov.np and web portal https://entrance.mec.gov.np. Arrangements have been made for examinees to log in to their profile to view the results and download the scorecard so they can download and print their scorecard. This printed scorecard should be kept safe for future reference.
For which subjects is it necessary to obtain a Foreign Study Eligibility Letter from the Medical Education Commission?
A Study Eligibility Letter must be obtained to study for a Bachelor's level/Postgraduate level (MD/MS/MDS)/DM, as well as MCH Academic Fellowship Courses in medical education at a foreign educational institution. A Foreign Study Eligibility Letter must be obtained for academic subjects related to medical education that are registered with the councils. However, the commission does not issue study eligibility letters for non-academic and professional courses for skill transfer purposes that are not registered with the relevant council.
Who prepares the question papers for the commission's Integrated Entrance Examination? How is its moderation/selection done?
The work is done confidentially as per the prescribed procedure by the Examination Directorate and persons designated by the Examination Committee from among the experienced experts in the expert list (roster).
Can a student who has already enrolled in an educational institution cancel their enrollment?
A student who has already enrolled in an educational institution cannot cancel their enrollment.
Until when is the validity of the merit list issued by the Matching Commission?
The merit list established from the Integrated Entrance Examination will remain valid for one academic session.
In the case of candidates applying from the second priority for seats specified for foreign student admissions, only the latest Integrated Entrance Examination related to medical education at the national level of the relevant nation listed by the commission will be valid.
How should priority setting be done for matching?
Priority setting for matching should be done as follows: -
(a) Notice will be published to determine priority order online from the candidates in the merit list to select educational institutions and academic programs for student admission in scholarship or fee-paying study seats obtained or determined.
(b) As per (a) above, when the commission calls for applications for online priority determination, notice will be published and matching system will be operated in such a way that candidates in the merit list can determine integrated or program-wise separate priority order while matching.
(c) Matching procedures will be proceeded based on the priority order filled by the eligible candidates in the merit list who wish to participate in the matching for study within the specified time limit. Candidates who miss priority setting will only be eligible for wrap-up matching.
(d) Priority order should be determined only for the subject (academic program) and institution where one actually wants to study.
(e) Before determining the priority order, it should be ensured whether the concerned college/campus is government or private and whether the seat number is free or fee-paying.
What is matching? How is the matching of examinees who have passed the entrance examination done?
Matching means the process of selecting students for educational institutions and academic programs for admission based on the merit order of the entrance examination results and the priority determined by the candidate. The matching of examinees who have passed the entrance examination is done as per the following procedure: -
The main basis for student admission selection will be the merit order of the Integrated Entrance Examination as per Section 16 of the Act. Online priority filled by the student as per Clause 24 of the Medical Education Integrated Entrance Examination and Student Admission Procedure will also be considered for the selection of educational institutions and academic programs.
Matching for admission must be done by prioritizing the candidates with higher merit order based on the application submitted by the candidate, group-wise merit order, group-wise reservation percentage, priority order of educational institutions and academic programs.
Only if the seats are vacant after the matching of candidates who have passed class six to secondary level class ten examination (SLC or SEE) from community schools in Nepal in the reserved seats, candidates of the same community who have passed secondary level class ten examination from other schools within Nepal will be included in the matching process based on merit order.
Students who are matched and not enrolled in scholarship/government seats may be included in the fee-paying/open matching. Students who are matched and not enrolled in fee-paying/open seats may participate in the wrap-up matching as per sub-clause (4).
Other arrangements regarding the matching of examinees who have passed the entrance examination will be as per Clause 25 of the Medical Education Integrated Entrance Examination and Student Admission Procedure.
Under what circumstances can an examinee's examination be canceled?
If the examinee does not fill in (mention) or incorrectly fills in the roll no. and question paper set bubble in the answer sheet (OMR Sheet), the answer sheet of such candidates will be canceled.
The center chief will immediately take action and expel examinees who make noise in the examination hall and center, or engage in copying. The answer sheets of examinees who are acted upon and expelled in this manner will be canceled without being checked.
The examination will also be canceled if it is determined that unfair means were used in the examination and the commission decides to cancel it.
How is the merit order of the examinees determined after the entrance examination results?
To be eligible for admission, the minimum percentile in the Integrated Entrance Examination result must be 50th percentile based on the rank of marks obtained by the candidates who appeared in the concerned examination.
In the case of candidates applying from the second priority for seats specified for foreign student admissions, the 50th percentile of the latest Integrated Entrance Examination related to medical education at the national level of foreign nations listed by the commission or a minimum of 50 percent marks if the result of that entrance examination is in percentage will be maintained.
While determining the integrated merit order of the candidates who have become eligible based on different national-level integrated entrance examinations and have submitted and been approved within the prescribed time, it will be done according to the percentage of marks obtained by them.
What are the main functions of the Medical Education Commission?
The main functions of the Medical Education Commission are primarily to determine fees for educational programs related to medical education, seat determination, conduct integrated entrance examinations, determine standards for granting letters of intent and affiliation to educational institutions, and provide foreign study eligibility letters. There are many other functions performed by the Medical Education Commission. For detailed information on the functions, duties, and powers of the commission, Section 6 of the National Medical Education Act, 2075, and Rule 3 of the National Medical Education Regulations 2077 can be referred to.
How can information on the results of the entrance examination conducted by the commission be available?
Detailed result information can be viewed on the commission's website https://mec.gov.np and web portal https://entrance.mec.gov.np.
Examinees can also log in to their profile to view their results and download the scorecard.
What action will be taken if the details submitted by an examinee related to reserved groups or other matters are found to be false?
If anyone wants to object to any reserved group within the published results, a complaint can be lodged with the commission with factual evidence within the stipulated time. If the details or educational certificates and documents submitted or uploaded by a candidate at the time of application are found to be false, their name will be removed from the merit list at any time, and such candidates may be prohibited from participating in any level of entrance examination conducted by the Medical Education Commission for two academic sessions as per sub-clause 4 of Clause 10 of the Procedure. Also, if such fake documents are proven, action may be taken at any time, even while being a student or in the profession in the future. Their professional practice license from the relevant council may also be revoked. Additional action may also be taken as per prevailing law.
Is there a provision for students who are not satisfied with the merit list of the Integrated Entrance Examination to get it re-verified? What needs to be done for this?
If you are not satisfied with the results of the Integrated Entrance Examination, you can apply for re-verification as mentioned in the notice within 3 days of publication of the results by paying the stipulated fee.
How long before the entrance examination conducted by the commission should examinees reach the examination centers, and how long before the exam can they enter the exam hall? And after how long can they leave the exam hall?
Examinees must reach the examination center mentioned in the admit card 2 hours before the examination starts.
Examinees are allowed to enter the examination hall 30 minutes before the examination starts.
Examinees arriving 15 minutes after the examination has started will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
Examinees can leave the examination hall only after the examination time is over.
What are the things to be considered while writing answers on the answer sheet (OMR Sheet)? What does a sample of a correctly filled OMR Sheet look like?
Write your name and roll no. correctly on your OMR Sheet and fill in the bubbles accordingly.
Write the date of the examination day in the specified format.
Sign in the place designated for the examinee's signature.
Which set of question paper A, B, C, D is it? Identify and write the Set in the writing space and fill in the bubble accordingly.
Read each question and fill in the bubble with the letter of the correct option among the given options.
Use only the gel pen provided in the examination hall.
Do not bend, fold, or crease the OMR Sheet.
Do not make any rough work on the OMR Sheet and admit card. If rough work is needed, use the blank space of the question paper.
A sample of a correctly filled OMR Sheet is as follows: (Note: A visual sample would be needed here, which cannot be provided in text format).
What are the things that examinees should pay attention to at the examination center while taking the entrance examination?
Reach the examination center on time.
Admit card, original citizenship/National Identity Card/original passport in case of foreign examinees must be carried.
Full compliance with the instructions written on the admit card must be followed.
Roll number and question paper set number (Key) should be written correctly as well as bubbles of the same must be filled correctly and mandatorily.
Fill in the bubble correctly for the answer that you think is correct.
Results of examinees who write the roll number and set correctly but fill in the bubbles incorrectly will not be published.
Do not scribble on the admit card. If paper is needed for rough work, use the blank part of the question paper itself.
After the examination period is over, leave the examination hall only after handing over both the question paper and the answer sheet (OMR Sheet).