Kanchanjangha Integrated Model School was established in 1986 A.D. (2042 BS) as a Private educational institution, which is located in Dallu, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is affiliated to the National Examination Board (NEB) and approved by the Ministry of Education. It offers Nursery to Class Eight.
It is undisputed fact that education is the light of life and the backbone for the development of a nation. No doubt, the well-educated and dedicated manpower can contribute well to the development work of the nation. Education plays a vital role in producing an industrious, confident, self-dependent and responsible citizen of a country. Therefore, the main aim of education should be focused on developing the feeling of nationalism and character building of an individual, so that they can protect not only the society but also their ancestral dignity and enliven them forever.
Hence, keeping the motto, “Lead from the Darkness into the Light” this school was established as Kanchanjangha Boarding School in the year 1986 AD with the sole aim to form good moral character, laborious, intelligent, self-dependent and responsible citizen for the country to revive them for the promotion and pride of the nation and to bring out the innate ability and the creative potentiality of an individual.
Over three decades have already passed and the school has molded itself into a model school now as Kanchanjangha Integrated Model School (KIMS) since it really deserves the title. There are the students from the different class, caste and culture, different religion and language and of course, from different parts of the nation. And they are treated equally in the family of KIMS in regard to education. The school wholeheartedly appreciates the everlasting warm love and care of the responsible parents/guardians who believe in Child’s Education First.
- To provide the students with an education in the full-fledged and balanced curriculum which meets the requirement of National and International Standard.
- To instill veneration in the mind of children towards national languages, cultures, and religions.
- To embolden the children to learn skills so that they can withstand with day to day problems.
- To elevate good conduct and discipline.
- To develop mutual understanding among parents, teachers, students, and management.
Salient Features: Cafeteria, Library, Sports, Science Lab, Computer Lab, Conference, Music, Scholarship, Parking, Dance, Tour, ECA, Multimedia, E-library, etc.
Contact Address:
Location: Lakhatirtha Marga, KMC – 15, Dallu, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone No: +977-1- 4278377
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kims.edu.np