DAV Sushil Kedia Vishwa Bharati Secondary School was founded on July 9, 1992, as a private based educational institution, which is located in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal. It is affiliated to the National Examinations Board (NEB), CBSE and approved by the Ministry of Education. It offers Educational programs for NEB Ten Plus Two (Management & Science streams) and CBSE Class XI Commerce & Science streams. It also offers Grade one to Ten.
DAV Sushil Kedia Vishwa Bharati Secondary School provides up to Secondary School level education with moderate fee structures and also provides a scholarship scheme for deserving students.
Salient Features: Cafeteria, Library, Dance, Music, Transportation, Multimedia, Computer Lab, Science Lab, Sports, Club, Alumni, Health Care, CCTV, Conference, Counseling, Scholarships, Parking, Furnished Classrooms, Tour, ECA, etc.
Courses offered by DAV School:
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Contact Address:
Location: Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Phone No: +977-1-5536626
Email Address: [email protected]
Website: www.davnepal.com