SAGARMATHA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY admissions open for BSC CSIT and BCA programs with scholarships schemes.
â Admission fee waiver for female students.
â Cloud Himalaya Scholarship. 2 seats for B.Sc. CSIT and 2 seats for BCA. 1 seat for male and 1 seat for female candidates in each program. The scholarship covers 50% of the total college fee for 4 years of study.
â A student securing the highest marks in each semester exam is awarded semester scholarship.
â Many other merit-based scholarships available.
Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology
Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal, G.P.O. Box: 19910
Tel : 01-5527274, 01-5547463
Fax : 01-5548252
Web www.scst.edu.np
Email: [email protected]