Rastrapati Chure-Tarai Madhesh Sansrakshan Bikas Samiti Call Application for Thesis Grant

Scholarship 02 Feb 2023 1552

President Chure Terai-Madhesh Conservation Development Board

Government of Nepal, Rastrapati Chure-Tarai Madhesh Sansrakshan Bikas Samiti, Khumaltar, Lalitpur Notice regarding Call for Proposals for Dissertation Research (Thesis Grant)

This notice is in accordance with the procedures of this committee for providing thesis research support from students who are interested in receiving a "Thesis Grant for students studying in the final year/semester of Master's degree for conservation and management work", 2079. Applications with documents are invited within 21 days from the date of publication.

The notification with detailed information is published on www.chureboard.gov.np and on the notice board of the committee.

First published date 2079-10-19

Scholarship in Nepal Notice