Pokhara University Science & Tech Scholarship Exam Deadline Extended

Scholarship 19 Mar 2025 453

Pokhara University Building

Pokhara University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Scholarship Entrance Examination Notice for Extension of Last Date of Application.

This is to notify that the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) has extended the last date of submission of Applications for Master Level Scholarship in the following programs for March, 2025 Intake.

Last Date of Application Submission (After Extension): 2081/12/12 Before 12 AM (Midnight)

Exam Date & Time: 2081/12/16

  • 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM (for Categories A & B)
  • 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (for Categories C & D)

Exam Centers:

  • School of Engineering, Pokhara-30, Pokhara
  • Nepal College of Information Technology, Balkumari, Lalitpur
School/ College and Scholarship Quota
Master of Computer Engineering
EEC (3), NCIT (3)
Master of Science in Computer Science
NCIT (3)
Master of Science in Structural Engineering
CCMT (2), OCEM (2)
Master of Science in Transportation Engineering and Management
NEC (3), UESC (3), UTEC (3)
Master of Science in Natural Resources Management
NEC (3)
Master of Science in Environment Management
SchEMS (3)
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management
NEC (3)
Master of Science in Construction Management
LEC (3), MCE (2), NEC (3), PEC (3), UESC (2), UTEC (2)

List of Colleges

CCMT: Cosmos College of Management and Technology, Tikabhairab Sadak, Lalitpur

EEC: Everest Engineering College, Sanepa, Lalitpur

LEC: Lumbini Engineering, Management, and Science College, Bhalwari, Butwal

MCE: Madan Bhandari College of Engineering, Urlabari, Morang

NCIT: Nepal College of Information Technology, Balkumari, Lalitpur

NEC: Nepal Engineering College, Changunarayan, Bhaktapur

OCEM: Oxford College of Engineering and Management, Gaindakot, Nawalparasi

PEC: Pokhara Engineering College, Phirke, Pokhara

SchEMS: School of Environmental Science and Management, Koteswor, Kathmandu

UESC: Universal Engineering and Science College, Chakupat, Lalitpur

UTEC: United Technical College, Bharatpur-11, Chitwan


  • The application fee for a Scholarship (in one category) is Rs.2,000 (Two thousand only).

  • Candidates are requested to deposit the application fee in the FACULTY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY account of Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd A/c No. 01713400026667000007. The student can also make online payments in the above account.

  • Scholarship applications can only be submitted by those who have not passed the 7th level by 3 p.m. on 2081/12/16. The above scholarship quotas may be increased or decreased.

  • In a program, the minimum number of students specified by the university towards complete emptiness is not the minimum. Still, if the program cannot operate, the students who have been shortlisted for the scholarship in that program will be provided with scholarships.

For further information, please contact the FST Dean's Office at +977-61504075.

For Eligibility Criteria, Entrance Curriculum, Scholarship Rule, and Online Application, 

Pokhara University Science and Tech Scholarship Exam Deadline Extended

Scholarship in Nepal Pokhara University Notice