Nepal Govt Employees Call Apply for Korea and Australian Govt Scholarship

Scholarship 20 Feb 2022 12180

Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration

According to the information released by the Manpower Planning and Development Branch of the Ministry of General Administration and Federal Affairs, all the services related to foreign study, training, and travel are being distributed in a judicial manner as per the Civil Service Act.

It is mentioned in the information that the scholarships have been distributed to the employees working in various ministries and agencies.

A meeting chaired by Chief Secretary Shankar Das Bairagi on Sunday distributed scholarships to employees working in different offices said Branch Officer Sagar KC.

For Korea alone, the government has distributed scholarships to 88 employees from the Prime Minister's Office and the Office of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, and the Ministry of Finance. These include local administration, accounting, public management, public service restructuring, economic development, e-governance, agricultural technology, gender development, and equality.

Similarly, 20 people will get scholarships for the Australian Award Scholarship. The Ministry of General Administration has informed that all the bodies will be open for this scholarship. The Ministry of General Administration will nominate a staff member from the local level to study social entrepreneurship and innovation in Singapore.

Download Scholarship Details from Here
