International Scholarship, Training, and Visit for Nepal Govt Employee - MoFAGA

Scholarship 13 Jul 2022 6213

Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration

International Scholarship, Training, and Visit for Nepal Govt Employee - MoFAGA: Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, Kathmandu Information regarding the decision of the 350th meeting of the Scholarship Committee.

In order to distribute all the services related to foreign study, training or visit received in the name of the Government of Nepal in a just manner in a judicial manner, the committee constituted in accordance with subsection (d) of section 40B of the Civil Service Act, 2049 BS met on 2079-03-27. Scholarship programs chaired by the Chief Secretary to the Government, Mr. Shankardas Bairagiju, as per the following, as decided to distribute; This information has been published for the information of all concerned.

International Scholarship Government Scholarship

Services Offered
