Provincial Government, Gandaki Province Academy of Science and Technology (GPAST) Pokhara Call For Gandaki Province Master's Thesis Grant & Gandaki Province Research Fellowship
Thematic Areas:
• Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals
• IT and Artificial Intelligence
• Environment, Conservation and Climate Change
• Health and Life Sciences
• Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering
• Sustainable Agriculture, Tourism and Energy
Number of Grants:
- Thesis Grant - 10 (Ten)
- Fellowship - 4 (Four)
Grant Amount:
- 50,000 for each Thesis
- 100000 for each Research Fellowship
How to Apply:
1. Prepare a single PDF in the following order
• Application (As per the format provided by the academy)
• Cover Letter
• CV (Maximum 3 pages)
• Transcripts and Certificates of Educational Qualifications
• Citizenship
• Documents of Permanent Residence (for individual researchers)
• Recommendation from Educational Institute / Research Institution (Not applicable for individual researchers)
• Supervisor Recommendation
2. Proposal (Single PDF) As per the format provided by the academy
For Thesis Grant:
• Master's Degree (regular) students with thesis as the requirement for fulfillment of their degree from institutions within Gandaki province For Research Fellowship:
• Researchers (individuals/institutions) from Gandaki Province
• Individuals with at least masters in the field of the thematic areas and Institutions with team leader having at least master's degree, preferably PhD
Deadline to Apply: 27 Poush, 2078
For Details:
Or Contact at:
info@[email protected]