Fulbright Specialist Program U.S. Specialists for Training/Capacity Building at Nepali Institutions 2019-2020

Scholarship 05 Sep 2018 1135

Fulbright Specialist Program

2019-2020 Fulbright Specialist ProgramĀ U.S. Specialists for Training/Capacity Building atĀ Nepali Institutions

The Nepal Fulbright Commission (USEF/Nepal) announces the 2019-2020 Fulbright Specialist Program to support Nepali institutions through training grants to bring U.S. Specialists to Nepal for 2-6 weeks between April 2019 and September 30, 2020.

The Fulbright Specialist Program helps Nepali organizations solve real-life problems and training needs by connecting them with U.S. academics and professionals. Host institutions can be Nepali NGOs, government agencies, university departments, and other local not-for-profit institutions (cultural centers, research centers, etc.). The program awards grants to qualified U.S. faculty and professionals, in select disciplines, to engage in short-term collaborative 2-6 week projects at host institutions in Nepal. The grant covers international travel costs and a daily honorarium. Nepali host institutions cover grantee in-country expenses such as housing and transportation costs or they provide in-kind services.

Project activities focus on capacity building for Nepali host institutions and do not fund personal or clinical research. Eligible activities include training and professional development short-term lecturing seminars, special conferences, or workshops teacher training curriculum planning

Eligible organizations wanting to host a Fulbright Specialist should submit project applications through the Fulbright Commission. Projects must be reviewed and approved by the Commission and the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Application forms are available at www.fulbrightnepatorg.np/specialist application. Please submit the application and required documents online by 4 p.m., Monday, November 19, 2018.
